Sunday, December 2, 2012

Platinum Championship Wrestling in Porterdale 12/1/12

Match 1: Johnny Danger vs. Quasi Mandisco

At the start of the show Quasi comes out to "Sexy and I know it." He talks about how Johnny Danger will be put in a world of hurt. We witnessed the return of Ricky Nugent who came out to help Quasi. Johnny Danger came out in his awesome new ring gear, which I found out later was made by Rick Michaels. Sexy badass Pandora comes out to join him in his corner. Quasi takes his time taking out his earrings. He backs away from all of Johnny's advances. They finally lock up. Johnny throws Quasi and Quasi is out of the ring again whining that Johnny Danger pulled his hair. What hair, Quasi? Johnny chases Quasi around the ring for a while. Quasi did manage to overpower Danger for a minute, but Johnny quickly regained control. Ricky Nugent helped Quasi cheat for a bit, however, Pandora broke it up. When Quasi chopped Johnny, it looked like he barely touched him. Johnny tickled him at one point. Danger went up top, but he missed as Quasi rolled out of the way. Danger pushed Quasi into Nugent as he attempted to interfere. Danger wins the match by pinning Quasi. All the priority males came out for a massive beatdown of Danger and Pandora. Chip Day and Sylar Cross came out to their defense. In two weeks, Pandora and Danger have a rematch with the Priority Males with a partner of their choice.

Match 2: Worst Case Scenario vs. Morgan Davis and Matt Von Reaper

Eli Evans dominated the first part of this match. Morgan Davis gained momentum from him and was able to roll him up. In my opinion, Von Reaper has a wicked clothesline. At one point he is dominating Ethan Case, but Eli Evans makes the tag and turns it around. Rachel interferes like she always does. Reaper goes for a move, gets caught and Eli Evans pins him, but he kicks out at 2. Worst Case Scenario isolates Von Reaper for a good portion of the match. Ethan Case does an amazing suplex. When Morgan finally makes the tag, he starts cleaning house, however they manage to double team him. Eli Evans and Ethan Case win. They work really well together as a team, and I think my bias towards heels is starting to show a little here. I really love watching those two wrestle, and I think they possess a lot of talent. I can't wait to see them take on the Washington Bullets again sometime in the future.

Match 3: Raymond King vs. Patton Jones

Two newcomers debuted in the PCW ring last night. Raymond King came out wearing a crown and shiny gold trunks. Patton Jones wore camouflage, and he was as simple as King was flashy. We called Raymond King "Burger King." It takes King some time to get started. I think Patton Jones has a good dropkick. Raymond King does a lot of flashy stuff between moves. Jones picks up the win, and the crowd yells "haha, there's a new king in town." the king's crown was upside down after his loss. It was a good debut match from both wrestlers and I really want to see more.

Match 4: Brian Blaze and Marko Polo vs. MC Warhorse and Sylar Cross.

Ricky Nugent comes out and tells us how lucky we are to have Marko Polo and Brian Blaze in the house. When MC Warhorse came out, I was immediately inclined to believe the Priority Males had the advantage, even though Cross is an amazing wrestler. The warhorses aren't known for their wrestling prowess, however, they are hilarious.  Let's go Sylar chants radiated from the audience. MC Warhorse dances and Polo easily dominates him. MC Warhorse dances while he attempts to put Marko in holds. Cross does a great elbow drop and a great leg drop. There were too many of the Priority Males outside the ring for my liking, as their faction is inclined to foul play. Warhorse tags himself in for a near fall. Blaze knocks him out of the ring. MC Warhorse dances as Brian Blaze hits him. Sylar breaks up a submission. Polo and Blaze attempt to isolate Warhorse as they tease that they will let him make a tag. Sylar comes out and kicks butt, but he only gets a two count. Warhorse gets the tag, but Polo dominates him and gets the pin. The males win it. Quasi enters the ring, and Sylar slams him for his second beatdown of the night.

The show took a 10 minute intermission. Johnny Danger and Supernatural were selling their t-shirts this week. Pandora has a selection of new photos available as well.

Match 5: Corey Hollis vs. Chip Day

This match is a wrestling fan's dream because both Hollis and Day are technically gifted. Even though Hollis is a heel, I really want to cheer for him because he belongs on television and I feel Porterdale fans are extremely lucky to see such a talent.  Chip nails Hollis with a kick, but Hollis is able to kick out of the pin attempt quickly. Hollis throws Chip out of the ring, and the action spills in the audience. Hollis chops Chip and Chip chops back. Chip kicked him on a bench into the wall, and then he smacked him against the ring post. Corey does a dropkick but only manages to get a two count. By this point, I've given up all pretenses of cheering for Chip Day. Corey gives Chip a cheap shot to the throat. Chip does clotheslines after kicking Corey from the corner. He does a dropkick to Corey's face, but Corey kicks out. Hollis falls out of the ring after receiving a series of kicks to his chest. Chip does a dropkick from the top. Corey Hollis does his version of a "Styles Clash" and also only manages to get a two count after such an amazing move. Chip then gets a two count. Chip finally gets Hollis into an ankle lock, but time runs out before Hollis taps. There was no submission, there was no pin. It was a time limit draw. Chip asks Corey to shake his hand, but Corey spits on him. I admit I yelled "Don't shake his hand, spit on him" right before he did it much to the dismay of the fans around me. I was really happy he did it, and I'm kind of ashamed to admit that. I really love Chip Day. I think he's a great wrestler. I just like Corey Hollis more at the moment even though he's a bad guy. This was easily the match of the night in my opinion. Corey and Chip are supposed to have their rematch on December 15th. I am looking forward to this contest.

Main Event: Triple Threat Match for the Unified PCW/Empire title. Shane Marx vs. Supernatural vs. De La Vega.

This match is difficult for the fans to decide who they love more. Both Supernatural and De La Vega are fan favorites. Both wrestlers enter to cheers. Now it is time for the most hated duo in all of Porterdale, the illustrious Shane Marx and his scheming sidekick Miss Rachel to enter. I started a "Ya'll are evil" chant, and he smiles knowingly at this. He poses for pictures because he believes he is "Best in the World". We are all chanting "Worst in the World" in response to this. My heel bias is not present in this match. I despise Shane Marx the way I should. He excellently elicits my wrath. Supernatural and De La Vega are working together at the beginning of the match. Worst Case Scenario attempts to interfere, but the referee ejects them. De La Vega is showing a new aggressive side in this match, and he really looks good. There are many pin attempts in this match. Supernatural and De La Vega work together again in the match doubleteaming Marx. Vega does a lot of great moves, including a neckbreaker and a spear. Supernatural tries to overpower Shane Marx. He manages to do so, and he nearly gets the falls, however, Assesino comes out and cause a disqualification by hitting Supernatural. De La Vega and Supernatural continue to double team Marx. Shane Marx retains the title because the match was called no contest due to Assesino 's interference. A tag team match has been scheduled for December 15th's show. Shane Marx and Assesino will take on Supernatural and De La Vega inside a steel cage.


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