Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jason Speed Memorial Show 1/20/13 PWR Gainesville GA

I will start this review by saying that I never had the privilege of meeting Jason Speed, nor have I attended a PWR show before this one. I can tell by the talent that participated in the show that Jason Speed was truly loved by these people, and that he is missed greatly. Larry Goodman did a review of this show already on GWH news.

The show started with an introduction to Jason Speed. Chuck Porterfield came up and introduced John "The Body" Johnson who made a really nice speech about how Jason's spirit would live on in PWR.

Match 1 Priceless Attraction and Marko vs. Zee Williams, Kevin Blue, and Mystic Storm.

Priceless Attraction and Marko were accompanied by Quasi Mandisco who made the referee put on hand santizer before he started. The match starts out with all six men in the ring. Marko and Kevin Blue finally are the first to tangle. Blue nearly gets a pin but Silva breaks up the count. Williams gets tagged in, and Blane breaks up the count when he nearly gets a pin. Blane slams Williams. Silva does some pretty good chops. Blane has a good neckbreaker. There was a point during this match where everyone flew into the audience, and I would recommend not sitting under the basketball goal on the right side of the ring if PWR does future shows at this venue. The entire audience that was seated there had to move because they literally flew over four rows of chairs. Quasi Mandisco knocked out Kevin Blue outside the ring. Team Priceless got the win by pinning Zee Williams.

Match 2: Team Luchadors (De La Vega, Supernatural, Zombie Mascaras) vs. The Red Carpet Society.

The Red Carpet Society came out and said that tonight was a special show where we were supposed to pay our loyalties and respect to the reunion of the Red Carpet Society. De La Vega did a lot of good stuff at the beginning of this match but the ref was distracted for most of it. The bad guys cheated as they tend to do when referees are concerned with other things. Flyin' Ryan tags in Goth who slams De La Vega and then screams "Yes." He then tags in C.B. who pins Vega, but only gets a 2 count. C.B. puts Vega into his version of Austin Aries' "Last Chancery" but Vega gets out. C.B kicks Vega again for another near fall. Vega is isolated for a long time during this match. There were a lot of good back and forth sequences during this match, but it finally ended in a disqualification. The Red Carpet Society was disqualified and the Luchadors went to the next round.

Match 3: Team Reckoning vs. Team Franchise.
Haha! Matt "Sex" Sells is a good guy here. This is hilarious to me not only because I've put his name on a t-shirt but because he is a member of PCW's main bad guy factory "The Priority Males." Jagged Edge was funny during this match. He said stuff like "Shut up. I know what you're thinking" and "I'm your champion." Audience members would encourage this by yelling "Who are you?" just to get him to say "I'm your champion." Jagged Edge did a piledriver on Johnny Danger to pick up the win. I was busy watching this match, and neglected to take down more detail. Team Reckoning moves on to the second round.

Match 4: Exotic Ones vs. Team All Stars.

My first thought when I see Stryknin come out is that I haven't seen him wrestle often enough. I realize he and Dany Only are a tag team. I don't think I realized they wore matching shorts. I associate those yellow camo shorts with Dany Only. Sugar Dunkerton does a good job trying to psych up the crowd. Simon Sermon and Sugar Dunkerton do the tango during this match. I'd have to say Sugar Dunkerton really stole the show during this one. He's hilarious. If you haven't done so already go and vote for him in Bracket 15 of the TNA Gutcheck Challenge. He's listed there under the name Carl Wilson.  Team All Stars win with a triple pin. They move onto round 2.

All American Chris Damien comes out to speak about Jason Speed. He says that Jason Speed represented hope. His belief was that if you have the passion, the love, and were willing to go through the pain and torture, he was willing to give you a shot. 6 man tag matches were Jason Speed's favorite kind of matches, and that's why this tournament exists.

Women's Tag Match
Brandy Scotch Baker and Nina Monet took on Pandora and Dementia De Rose. I love the way Dementia De Rose screams. I love everything about Pandora. Dementia de Rose was so into charging Nina at one point she threw herself out of the ring. She plays crazy to the hilt.  Nina Monet pinned Pandora for the win.

Second Round of Tournament Match 1: Team Reckoning vs. Team All Stars.
Rick Michaels slipped something into his wrist tape and hit Stryknin. He picks up the pin and they move on to the finals.

Match 2: Team Luchadors vs. Team Priceless.
Luchadors put on Priceless's jackets to mock them. Priceless argues a lot with the audience. The best spot of the match was where Luchadors set up for what looked like a rope assisted DDT but was actually Supernatural doing a double stomp on his opponent while he was suspended. De La Vega won it with a crucifix roll up. Quasi spent most of the match transfixed by Brandy Scotch Baker and didn't have time to cheat.

20 man Battle Royal which I agree with Larry Goodman looked more like a 30 man Battle Royal. The final two competitors were Jon Williams and Ethan Case. Ethan Case wins it. I thought it was interesting to note that the two final guys are both part of major tag teams across the state. Case now has a shot at Kevin Blue's title.

Jen Holbrook Sells comes out and says a few words about Jason Speed, and then she presents his mother and grandmother with a plaque in his honor. That part made me tear up.

Team Reckoning and Team Luchadors go to the finals of the tournament. The match doesn't even start before Team Reckoning is beating up the Luchadors outside the ring. Pandora comes to beat up Brandy Scotch Baker. De La Vega was not part of the match as he'd been beaten up too badly to continue. As a result the Luchadors were joined by Chris Damien. He managed to score them the win with a backslide pin. The bad guys were going to run away with the trophies but had a change of heart. They hand the Luchadors their prize and hugs are exchanged by all.

Overall I thought this show was really great. I may not be able to attend as much PWR in the future as it looks they are moving to Friday nights. But I will definitely try to make it to another show when I can.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

PCW Porterdale GA January 19th, 2013

Match 1: Dynomite Soul vs. Fry Daddy Winner: Dynomite Soul

Dynomite Soul dominated the first part of the match. As soon as Fry Daddy gained any momentum, Dynomite cowardly left the ring. Fry Daddy misses his move and hits the turnbuckle, and Dynomite soul capitalizes. Dynomite does an elbow and gets a 2 count. There were a series of near falls by both wrestlers. Fry Daddy counters an attempt at an aerial move by Dynomite Soul. He does a clothesline, then slams Dynomite for a 2 count. He then does a giant elbow drop for another two count. Dynomite Soul cowers in the corner and Fry Daddy hesitates for a second. Dynomite Soul is able to pick up the pin and win the match. The best lesson from this match is don't show your opponent any mercy. This match was a good showing from both wrestlers overall.

Match 2: Matt Von Reaper vs. Kody Jack. Winner: Matt Von Reaper

As the referee for this match came out the audience was booing him.I think thecrowd is getting tired of the refs "not seeing" the cheating ways of PCW/Empire bad guys.I do have one question. How old is Kody Jack? A few people believed he might be too young to wrestle. I personally believe that he is a great talent, and if he continues training he will make it very far in this industry.  Reaper starts out trying to break Kody's arm. Kody reverses it. Then Reaper counters and reverses it again. There were a lot of submission attempts in this match. Reaper got Kody with a leg drop, but barely managed a 2 count. Kody reversed a pin into a cross armbreaker, but Reaper reverses that. That was a really good sequence. Reaper finally got the pin off a reverse sunset flip. I'd like to see these two wrestle again because they played well off each other.

Matt "Sex" Sells, Pump Yo Brakes, and Quasi Mandisco come out and start their usual chatter. Their response to our jeers: The crowd is only booing because they are jealous.Quasi handed the microphone to a lady in the audience who wanted to say something, but he snatched it back before letting her speak. The Priority Males and Asessino vs. Johnny Danger, Supernatural and De La Vega is announced for alter in the evening. The segment ends with "The Priority Males always deliver."

Match 3: Najasism vs. Kendall "The Kid" Williams. Draw due to time out.

Williams throws Najasism like a doll at the start of the match. Najasism kicks Williams' feet out from under him. The action spills outside the ring. Najasism beats Kendall up outside the ring, then comes back in and starts posing. Najasism stomps Williams' ankles and concentrates on his knees. He goes for a submission, however, Williams grabs the rope causing a break. Najasism then kicks Williams in the sternum. Williams missed a move in the corner. Najasism jumps on his shoulders and takes him down. He puts Williams into a leglock, attempts a pin, but the referee catches him holding the rope. Najasism then does a moonsault. He attempts to pick up Williams but can't hold him. He knocks himself silly, and Williams attempts a pin but it's broken up at 2. Najasism does a knee and follows it up with a superkick. He gets another pin for 2. Williams does a backbreaker, but only gets a 2 count. He then does a cutter. Time is called and the match a time called draw. The whole crowd is chanting for Kendall.

Match 4: Fred Avery vs. Lobo. Winner: Fred Avery

Fred Avery comes out carrying a clipboard. He talks to the referee before the match starts. He's laying down the law because he apparently knows the rules better than the official. Lobo comes out and it's obvious he's the crowd favorite. Avery offers his hand to Lobo to shake. Lobo is skeptical. Avery shakes the ref's hand, and offers his hand back to Lobo. Lobo then shakes the ref's hand and the match starts. I found that segment humorous. Avery calls all of his moves as he does them to show the audience "the right way" they should be executed. Lobo does a series of hiptosses, then does a dropkick. Avery runs out of the ring trying to call time outs. Lobo takes Avery down and he leaves the ring again. Avery does a supplex, then he does an armbar. They keep reversing the move on each other. Lobo slams down on Avery's arm into an armbreaker. Avery elbows the back of Lobo's head. Avery has Lobo's arm twisted like a pretzel, and he stomps him one joint at at time. Lobo hits a splash from the corner and hits Avery with elbows 3 times. He only manages a 2 count. Avery finally picks up the win by pinning Lobo, but if you looked carefully you'd notice that he slipped something into his tape to get that victory. He cheated to win, but like all good cheating, it's only cheating if you get caught. I don't like Fred Avery's whistle. It is too loud. I do find his character to be funny, and he is definitely a wrestling snob.

Match 5: Pump Yo Brakes, Matt "Sex" Sells, and El Monstruo Assesino vs. Johnny Danger, Supernatural and De La Vega. Winners: Johnny Danger, Supernatural and De La Vega.

When Matt Sells enters, my son goes crazy. Sells was really funny about it. "Look at this, this kid's cheering for me. He knows I'm the best wrestler here." Supernatural mocks Matt Sells by putting on his gear and dancing around. The crowd really ate that up. Supernatural jumped on Chuck Porterfield's back to try and get at the other team while they decided who would be in the ring first.Johnny Danger was fighting Pump Yo Brakes, and PYB told the referee that Danger was pulling his hair. What hair?  I lost track of a lot of the action because tags are made so quickly. There was a part later in the match where Sells seemed to forget he was in the middle of a wrestling match. He decided to play air guitar using his opponent. De La Vega picks up the win for his team after Asessino accidentally knocks Quasi Mandisco off the ring apron. The Priority Males are not convinced it was an accident and they jump him after the match. De La Vega, Supernatural and Johnny Danger all come to his aid. After the match they all shake hands, and it seems that Assesino has turned from the darkside to join our heroes.

Match 6: 8 Man Tag Match Brian Blaze, Najasism, William Huckaby and Shawn Adams vs. Chip Day, Sylar Cross, and the Washington Bullets.

The by play between Adams and the audience was great as he entered. I heard him say to the guy next to me "You bought your shirt, but I earned mine." His response was "I assume you did Gut Check, but you failed." I don't believe he's failed yet because he's part of the Gut Check Challenge right now. You can vote for him on He's in Bracket 3 of the voting under the name Michael Reynolds. He's fairly unpopular in Porterdale, GA as he is a bad guy, but I felt the need to pass on that information for any interested parties. Chip Day was isolated for most of this match. At one point he was thrown out into the audience. Najasism leg locked Chip, but Chip got up and chopped him as Naja was taunting him. Chip stops Najasism's attempt at a kick with a kick of his own. Sylar comes in and annihilates Brian Blaze with a slam. Chip does a dropkick off the top rope. The match devolves into an all out brawl. It's difficult to discern who's legal. At one point, Chip jumps off Sylar's back to land a kick. I'm assuming these are the types of tactics they've been advertising as #weird on Facebook and Twitter.  Another spot sent several wrestlers into the audience. I've heard that two people were hit during this match, and I don't know the specific details of either case. It is imperative that both wrestlers and audience members are aware of their surroundings at all times because when the action spills out of the ring people could get hurt if they aren't paying attention. I try very hard to instill this into my son while we're at these events simply because we are always right at ringside. I want to say that no clear winner was decided in this match because it got out of hand and the referee called for the bell. Right after the bell was called, a figure in a Team All You Can Eat hoodie came into the ring, and when he pulled down the hood it was none other than Jagged Edge. He began attacking the good guys. Glad to see him back even though he's evil. I talked to Team All You Can Eat members Daryl Hall and Matt Hankins on Sunday to find out how Jagged Edge had acquired the jacket. They swear it was stolen. We don't have to worry about a Team All You Can Eat heel turn at this time.

Main Event Mason vs. Shane Marx for the Unified PCW/Empire Title. Mason wins by DQ but Shane Marx retains. (and you know how I and the rest of the audience feel about this decision)

They trade blows at the beginning, and the action spills outside the ring. There is a good back and forth exchange from two men who really know each other. Marx headbutts, and then performs good solid clotheslines. Mason is getting his butt kicked. Marx puts Mason into a rear chinlock but Mason gets to rope to break it. Rachel chokes Mason on the rope while the referee is distracted. I believe she needs to be put in a cage beside the ring to keep her from interfering in matches. Shane chokes Mason in the corner. There is a nearfall for Marx. Chuck Porterfield is struggling to maintain order. Marx is dominate for the first part of the match. Mason does a flurry of punches, but Marx counters. He puts Mason back into that rear chinlock, and he slams Mason's back down. Shane finally has to break the hold. Mason knocks Shane stupid and they are both down for a bit. Mason gets pin after pin, two count after two count but can't manage to hold Marx down. Marx sets up for a superplex, but Mason punches him down. Mason does a sonic boom but to no avail. Mason then slams Marx. He's about to get the three count when Rachel drags referee Chuck Porterfield out of the ring by his ankles and slams him into the wall. He lays helpless on the floor. Old ladies try to help him up. One of them puts his lost shoe back onto his foot. Referee Luis Chevere is called in to take his place. Mason gets Shane Marx to tap to a submission hold, but Chuck Porterfield calls the match a disqualification because of Rachel's interference. Are you serious? Shane Marx tapped. The belt should belong to Mason. A loser leaves town match has been set for February 2nd. It pits Shane Marx and Miss Rachel against Mason and a partner of his choosing. He was told he couldn't choose a fellow wrestler, nor could he choose a fan. He's decided that he wants Stephen Platinum. So it looks like Platinum is coming back to Georgia. Pack your bags, Marx and Rachel, you're leaving Porterdale.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Platinum Championship Wrestling 1/5/13

Match 1: Campus green and Campus Orange from Campus Strikeforce vs. The Demigod Mason. Winner: Mason

This handicap match was short and sweet. Campus Strikeforce attempted to doubleteam Mason, but he he quickly dominates them. Mason wins by getting one of those Power Ranger wannabes to tap. It is lovely to see Mason return.

Match 2: Matt "Sex" Sells vs. Matt Von Reaper. Winner: Matt Sells

Before this match Quasi Mandisco came to the ring and said "You are only booing because you live in this poor pitiful town." He then introduces the newest member of the Priority Males, Matt "Sex" Sells. He enters and the crowd immediately hates him, which is funny because I'm wearing a shirt with his name on it. Again, I have a natural heel bias. I like his ring attire, a denim vest, a leather hat, and a feather earring. He also has camo shorts that say "Sex army" on the leg in a logo styled like the Kiss Army logo. His opponent is Matt Von Reaper who has recently become a fan favorite in Porterdale. Reaper high fives the crowd and they love him. He even comes up and kissed a kid right on the head which was both cool and unexpected. Matt Sells begins the match trying to hide, but neither side of the ring is really safe because there are a lot of crazy fans ready to throw him back in. When Reaper puts Sells in an armbreaker, I can hear the two old ladies on the front row yell "Break it, Break it". Reaper clotheslines Sells, but Sells is able to come back easily after a near fall. Sells pins Reaper for a 2 count, and the match continues as a dynamic back and forth contest. In typical Priority Male fashion, Quasi Mandisco distracts the referee and Reaper goes to take care of Quasi. As Reaper puts his mind back on his opponent, Matt Sells is able to land a DDT for the win. It was a good debut for our new bad guy, Matt "Sex" Sells.

Match 3: Nina Monet and Pump Yo Brakes vs. Pandora and Johnny Danger Winners: Nina Monet and Pump Yo Brakes

The Priority Males are becoming a new dominate stable in PCW. Members Nina Monet and Pump Yo Brakes come out to face the newly formed team of Pandora and Johnny Danger. Pandora enters with Danger, and the crowd goes crazy. Pandora is wearing a mask that is blue, pink and aqua. Her outfit has the same colors and coordinates well with Danger's gear. I also love the fact that Danger now sports facepaint which coordinates with that of Pandora. It is a good show of solidarity among partners. Pandora received quite a beating during this match from Pump Yo Brakes. He did a backbreaker to her, and right after that his sneaky manager, Quasi tied her up in the ropes. Nina is tagged in and ties her up in a figure four leglock, however, there is a ropebreak. PYB and Nina doubleteam Pandora for a while before PYB puts Pandora into a submission. This hold is broken by Nina tagging herself in. Pandora gains some momentum, however, the referee is momentarily distracted and PYB is able to interfere. Nina tries to choke Pandora on the ropes soon after. Pandora's greatest strength may also be her greatest weakness, and that is that she refuses to give up. She finally manages to make a tag. Danger cleans house. He tries to pin PYB and gets a two count. He assaults PYB with stomps and elbows. He goes up top and lands an elbow, but Nina breaks up the count. Pandora and Nina Monet get into a scuffle that spills outside the ring, and in an effort to keep the crowd safe the referee tries to break that up. While this is happening, Matt Sells did a run-in and hit Johnny Danger in the head. PYB manages to pin Danger because of this distraction and he and Monet pick up the victory.

Match 4: Platinum Royal
Participants: Assessino, Dynomite Soul Eric Walker, Matt "Sex" Sells, Fry Daddy, Quasi Mandisco, Matt Von Reaper, Chip Day, Sylar Cross, Morgan Davis III, Johnny Danger, Pump Yo Brakes, Mason, Jon Williams and Benjamin "Black Belt" Berg.

As usual in battle royals where all the participants are in the ring Chaos ensues. The number one contender would be decided by a match between the man who was last to be eliminated and the man who eliminated the most participants. I am not certain I have the correct order of elimination as I definitely lost track of Johnny Danger in there somewhere, however I believe I got the rest. In order of elimination:
1:Benjamin "Black Belt" Berg. , 2: Eric Walker, 3: Assessino, 4: Fry Daddy 5: Quasi 6: Danger (not certain of this) 7: Reaper 8: Jon Williams, 9: Mason, 10: Matt Sells 11: Chip Day 12: Sylar Cross, 13: Morgan Davis III, Last man standing PYB. He faces Mason as it is determined that he made the most eliminations during the match. Mason wins the number one contender spot by pinning PYB with a move that resembled a chokeslam. I am hoping to see Mason finally regain the title.

Match 5: Dynomite Soul Eric Walker and Geter vs. Sylar Cross and Chip Day. Winners: Sylar Cross and Chip Day

The match begins with all four men in the ring. Chip throws Eric out, and then he hits Geter in the face. Chip and Sylar double team Geter. Geter and Walker are both out of the ring. Personally I think they should have been counted out as the audience counted to 10, however, that wouldn't have been an exciting ending. Chip and Walker exchange blows in the corner. Chip gets Walker into an armbar. Sylar and Chip double team and wear down Walker. Sylar slams him and nearly scores a pin. Chip does one of his signature kicks, then puts Walker into a submission. Chip and Sylar did a really good job in the first half of the match keeping Geter out of it. Geter eventually is tagged in. He kicks Sylar in the corner, and when the ref tries to break it up he yells "I have until five" which hardcore wrestling fans know is a nod to Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan in WWE) during his Ring of Honor days. Geter delivers chops to Sylar's chest in one corner, then does so in the opposite diagonal corner as well. Cross is isolated the way he'd isolated Walker in the first half of the match. Geter is dominating, but Sylar gets up, delivers a kick to Geter's face, and manages to fell the mighty Geter. Sylar tags in Chip. Geter tags Walker and for a minute Chip is getting his butt kicked. It seems to be curtains for Chip Day as Geter and Walker are double teaming him. Chip reacts like a mad man but to no avail. The entire crowd starts chanting "Do or Die". Cross enters the ring and it becomes a four man brawl. Geter throws Sylar out and they fight outside the ring. Chip does a Suicide dive on Geter after kicking Walker. Sylar does a splash on the already down Walker and Chip and Sylar pick up the victory. This wins my vote for show stealing match of the night.

Main Event of the Evening: Supernatural vs. Shane Marx Winner by disqualification: Supernatural. (belt doesn't change hands on a DQ, therefore Marx retains).

Supernatural enters the ring carrying a stuffed animal Domo. The audience started chanting Domo at this. A kid on the other side of the ring from us had a very cute Supernatural sign. Supernatural tossed Domo over to Shane Mackey at the announcer table as he climbed into the ring. Marx is accompanied by Miss Rachel this week. She was missing from the last show, and I'd been wondering when she'd return. Marx mimicks his introduction proudly. Supernatural holds Marx's belts up to show that he plans to take them, and the crowd goes crazy. Supernatural starts out strong, and Marx leaves the ring in his usual cowardly way. He returns and Supernatural manages to regain momentum. He goes up top, does a splash and gets a near fall. He attempts a moonsault, but fails. Shane Marx kicks him down, picks him back up and slams him, then does an elbow to his neck. Our portion of the audience managed to get a pretty good chant of "Paper Champion" directed at Marx. Supernatural attempts a move, manages to get caught by Marx, slammed and Marx gets a two count. Two teenage girls got into it with Miss Rachel for a minute. I take this time to remind fans to yell as much as they want and come up with creative insults but to stay back in their seats and not get up in the wrestler's faces. Marx attempts a sleeper on Super but when that doesn't work he hits him with a spinebuster and gets a two count. Supernatural lands a DDT and gets the closest count i've ever seen that didn't end in a pin. The crowd is frustrated to no end by this as they are tired of the Marx reign and want to see the belt on a good crowd favorite. Marx counters Supernatural's hurricanrana attempts and goes for his finisher Natural Selection. Supernatural escapes and goes back up top. Rachel pulls the rope to knock him off, and the referee calls for the bell because of her interference. Even though Supernatural wins the match, we all know that the title doesn't change hands during a disqualification, therefore, Marx retains. Marx celebrates his retention by beating up Supernatural. Rachel joins in by hitting Supernatural with a chair. Mason comes out to the ring to aid Supernatural, and he has a message for Marx. "Congratulations, you kept your belt. I'm not going to hide behind a mask. I'm not going to use a chair. I've waited a long time for this, it's been a long time coming for me. I carried the PCW championship belt for 13 months." Mason vs. Marx has been set for the next PCW show in two weeks on January 19th. May Mason win.