Monday, December 17, 2012

Cage Matches PCW 12/15/12

Match 1: Najasism vs. Von Reaper
I've finally found an opponent that I love more than Najasism, so there is no heel bias tonight. The match starts with Naja stealing Reaper's jacket and prancing around while wearing it. He's finally done something worthy of my disdain. The action outside the ring was great. Najasism debuted a lionsault in this match, which was executed brilliantly. These two make an excellent matchup in my opinion because they are of simliar height and build. At one point during the match, Von Reaper pulled an "Undertaker" and sat straight up out of nowhere and did a chokeslam. Najasism also made a nod at Undertaker by doing a tombstone piledriver. He followed that with a cannonball splash to attain victory. Afterward, an old lady felt the need to chase Naja down. She acted like she was going to swing at him, and when he reacted her granddaughter got up in his face. The refs had to calm her down. From what I understand, the old lady never touched Najasism and had no intention of doing so, as she understands the rules. I watched her explain to her granddaughter after that she couldn't do that again. Either way I've heard various wrestlers explain that they aren't above hitting a fan if they are hit. I guess the best thing to say here is say anything you want, but keep the hands to yourself.

Match 2: Brian Blaze vs. Lobo.
 Lobo made his debut in PCW this evening. I saw him wrestle in Rutledge during the summer, and I enjoy watching him. I like the way he tries to pump up the crowd and I like his fringe pants. The crowd really seemed to like him and I hope we see more from him in the future. Brian Blaze made pretty quick work of him though. The finish of the match was Brian Blaze catching Lobo in mid air to slam him to pick up the pin. I must say I'm impressed with the fact that two matches have gone by this night where bad guys picked up clean wins.

Match 3: Quasi Mandisco, Marko Polo, and Nina Monet vs. Johnny Danger, Pandora and Morgan Davis III

The beginning of this match showed how devious Nina Monet could be. She pretended to be in first to lure Pandora, however as soon as Pandora enters the ring she tags in Marko Polo. Pandora creams Polo with a headscissors and a roll up. Quasi gets in after the good guys beat up Polo for a while. They manage to isolate Danger for a while. Danger crawls to make a tag, but it isn't enough. He finally spears Polo, but it still isn't enough to make the tag. They isolate him longer. Pandora breaks up a count, and there is chaos for a minute. The referee has to restore order and the match continues. Danger finally tags in Davis. He dropkicks Quasi off the ring apron to the floor. Ultimately the match is won by Pandora hitting Nina Monet with Pandemonium, and she gets the pin. Dementia De Rose comes out and attacks Pandora out of nowhere. They fight for a minute, but Pandora scares her off. This is a great set up to continue the feud these two have had for a while as Dementia De Rose is merely a split personality of the former Aisha Sunshine.

Match 4: Worst Case Scenario vs. Washington Bullets.

After last week where all my support went to Full Throttle up at UIW, I knew I had to make up for it and cheer for our hometown boys the Bullets. By this point in the show, my cold meds had kicked in, and I had a fever, so my notes are sketchy on the details of the match.  Worst case scenario started using chokes and other "heel" tactics to try to force a submission on Trey. There are a lot of power moves including a nasty DDT. Jon gets the "hot tag" and makes Worst Case Scenario stunner and DDT themselves. There were smooth transitions into this sequence.The match ends with Jon pinning Eli Evans to get the victory. My son said to Worst Case Scenario as they left the ring. Next time you should not come and just go to McDonald's." He tries very hard to come up with witty things to say to the bad guys even if no one gets them but him.

There was a long intermission while the ring crew built the cage. That gave us time to mingle with our favorites and get pictures. It also gave me a little time to sit in the cool air and try and get rid of my headache. At the end of intermission, Marco Polo, Dynomite Soul, Johnny Danger, and Pandora come out and all give reasons why they should be given a title shot. A Platinum Royal was set up for January 5th.

Cage Match 1: Corey Hollis vs. Chip Day.

I am a bad fan. I know I'm not supposed to cheer for heels and I do it anyway. I cheered for Corey Hollis during this entire match. I'm keeping this simple. The match contained brutal hits that had the crowd wincing. They both do unique submission moves, and they are two of the best technical wrestlers in GA. The match was great, and it seemed like the crowd was into it. Chip Day won by knocking Hollis out. They realized this as he was in a submission. The referee came up and checked to see if he'd tap and his arm was limp.

Cage Match 2: Marx and Assassino vs. Supernatural and De La Vega.
Where's Rachel? That's my first question about this match. Did someone actually ban her from ringside? Was she in fact locked in another cage somewhere? The match opened with a cheer/jeer off, as the audience cheered and booed the various teams as they posed in the corners. I think it's funny that they managed to get the crowd to chant "Puerto Rico". Marx and Assassino won this one. Vega jumped on Assassino from the top of the cage after the match. Supernatural will be given a title shot at the next event on January 5th.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Hometown Heroes UIW December 8th, 2012.

To start the show, The So Fine Mafia enters to chants of Epic Failure. Epic Grant says things like "You people disgust me. Ya'll are losers just like the Georgia Bulldogs." He also says that two idiots stole the Tag Team Champion belts and took them back to the trailer park. "We want our belts back or we're walking," he says. The crowd begins singing "Na Na Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye." Commissioner Tony Calhoun comes out with the tag team belts. He informs The So Fine Mafia they can have their belts back because the Rock and Roll Express weren't under contract when they won at the last event. However, he's since signed them to a contract and they will have a rematch for the tag team belts as soon as the paperwork goes through. So Fine Mafia asks for an apology from the ring announcer and he says "I'm sorry, I'm sorry that the Rock and Roll express aren't our champions." The So Fine Mafia had to defend the belts against Murder One and Bull Buchanan in the main event.

Match 1-Casey Kincaid vs. Fred Yehi for the Internet Championship. Winner: Fred Yehi

Casey Kincaid made his UIW debut battling Fred Yehi for the Internet Championship. Casey Kincaid both have a lot of technical wrestling ability so this was a fun match for me. The match starts with a lot of good matwork from both competitors. Yehi then dropkicks Casey out of the ring. When Casey returns they grapple again for a while. Casey wraps Fred's legs around the rope, but has to break at the 5 count. Fred leaves the ring. Casey has Fred down and he kicks his knees. Fred manages to get Casey, slams him, and gets a near fall. Fred does a pendulum neckbreaker soon after for another near fall. He pins Casey repeatedly, but Casey continues to kick out. They exchange punches, and Fred knees Casey in the face. Casey then starts kneeing Fred. The sequence repeats before Casey picks up Fred and slams him for a near fall. Fred gets up, and he elbows Casey in the face. He powerbombs Casey, but Casey kicks out at 2 for that one as well. Fred finally is able to pin Casey at the end to retain his title.  The match featured a lot of great wrestling, and the competitors shook hands at the end.

Match 2--Dixie Dynamite Billy Knight accompanied by Peanut vs. Awesome T.C accompanied by Awesome Brandon McClure. Winner: Dynamite Billy Knight

Billy Knight elbows T.C. and goes for an armbreaker. T.C. gets up but Billy is still in control. Billy kicks T.C. in the back and he's got him in another submission. T.C. headbutts Billy at the 5 minute mark to gain momentum. Peanut hits the referee, and Billy gains control of the match again. T.C. manages to pick Billy up and slam him. Billy kicks T.C. in the corner, and quits right before the 5 count. I think T.C. has a couple of good power slams. Billy pins T.C. to get the win, however, the referee didn't notice that he was holding T.C.'s feet down. The crowd chants "Fire the Ref", and Awesome Brandon McClure chases Billy Knight and Peanut back to the curtain. T.C. says he wants to face them again. He said that he doesn't care what kind of match, and that he'll even take them both on at the same time, and he'll kick their butts.

After this Pandora comes out, and the crowd hates her. I was talking to fans before the show started, and one fan relayed a story of a previous event where Pandora had offered a little girl a lollipop, and when the girl accepted she snatched it away from her and broke it. This was the point where the crowd at UIW decided they hated Pandora. She yells at girls in the crowd during her entrance, "This is what you want to be when you grow up." The fact that she is accompanied by Dewitt Dawson cements her joining the evil Empire. Unfortunately the crowd's "What?" chants drowned out most of Dawson's rant, but I caught the line "She's the toughest woman in Pro Wrestling." Nina Monet comes out, and Pandora slaps her. Nina slaps Pandora back and it turns into an all-out brawl. Shane Marx, Fred Yehi and Chip Day come out to pull them apart. Tony Calhoun comes out carrying a belt, and he says that at the next event they are going to have a triple threat elimination match for the UIW title, and it will be Nina Monet, Pandora, and a special mystery opponent that will be announced before the match. I have one prediction for who it might be, but this is only because she has a lot of history fighting Pandora and Nina Monet. I believe it is probably Dementia D'Rose, formerly known as Aisha Sunshine. This is only my guess, and it hasn't been confirmed. No matter who their opponent is, the fact that UIW has a women's title means they are committed to bringing in more talent female wrestlers, and this is a good thing in my book.

Match 3--Full Throttle (Josh Storm and Frankie Valentine) vs. The Washington Bullets (Jon and Trey Williams) Winners: Full Throttle.

Josh Storm and Frankie Valentine come out and announce that they are changing their name from "Family First" to a name that shows it's time to bust their butts and prove how good they are, and that name is "Full Throttle". The Bullets come out and they all shake hands. The Washington Bullets are PCW Porterdale's hometown heroes, and they are here at UIW facing Buchanan's hometown heroes in a number one contender match for the tag team championship. I can't say enough good things about the Bullets. They are a solid team. I'm really starting to appreciate their abilities as I watch them for the first time outside of PCW. (Yes I know that they were at monster wrestling, however, that was still mostly a PCW event.) There is a pretty good chain of reversing submissions from both teams for about 5 minutes. They are showing a good variety of techniques. Jon gets a hot tag and cleans house. There is a quick tag by the bullets that led to some brutal hits. This crowd is solidly behind Full Throttle. It is hard for me to know who I want to cheer for because I like both teams. This leads to another submission hold, a reversal and a double clothesline with both Frankie and Jon down. The Bullets do the Marion Berry for a near fall. All tied up Josh Storm comes off the rope and gets Jon with a sunset flip. Overall this is a good match, and I was a little disappointed with the ending, but only because I saw so many great moves throughout. All of them hug at the end, and it was a good clean fight between two great teams.

Match 4: Chip Day vs. Shane Marx. Winner: Shane Marx.

When the crowd starts chanting "Go Chip Go", Empire manager Dewitt Dawson yells "No Chip No". Marx spends a lot of time evading Day outside the ring. Chip manages to get Marx into a submission but he counters. Chip does a nice kick to Marx's midsection. Marx chops Chip's throat on the rope. Shane has Chip in a hold and then he slams him. Marx then does a backbreaker. At one point Chip Day is almost counted out, but he manages to make it back in just in time. Marx then punches Chip in the face at the 10 minute mark. Chip manages to pick up momentum, and dropkicks Marx. He does it again in the corner. He pins Marx for a near fall. Chip tries to kick Marx again, but misses. Marx slams him into a pin for a near fall. Marx kicks Chip for another near fall. Chip kicks Marx in the head twice, and they exchange blows. Chip kicks Marx, then pins him but Marx kicks out. Shane Marx goes up top and does an elbow drop, but Chip kicks out at 2 there as well. Chip puts Marx into a submission but Marx counters with a neckbreaker for a nearfall. Chip tries to kick Marx but misses and runs into the referee. Marx wins the match by pinning Chip, however, his win is suspect because Dewitt Dawson was holding his shoe after the match.

Main Event Murder One and Bull Buchanan vs. The So Fine Mafia.

Bull Buchanan is this crowd's hometown hero. He represents old school values and good american hard work. He's partnered with another veteran wrestler, Murder One. So Fine Mafia enters to another round of "Epic Failure" chants. Epic shows off at one point doing jumping jacks. The pacing on this match felt very slow to me. In my opinion So Fine Mafia spends too much time showing off and not enough time wrestling. At one point I believe the referee was spending too much time concentrating on what went on outside the ring than on what was going on inside. Bull manages to kick Epic right before he hits him with the belt. Murder One and Bull Buchanan win the tag team belts and the crowd goes crazy. Buchanan makes a speech after his win. He says that he and Murder One aren't friends and they don't trust each other but as long as they're hitting the same people they're good.
UIW isn't scheduled to have another event until January, and it looks like they've got a lot of great matches already scheduled for the next event.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Platinum Championship Wrestling in Porterdale 12/1/12

Match 1: Johnny Danger vs. Quasi Mandisco

At the start of the show Quasi comes out to "Sexy and I know it." He talks about how Johnny Danger will be put in a world of hurt. We witnessed the return of Ricky Nugent who came out to help Quasi. Johnny Danger came out in his awesome new ring gear, which I found out later was made by Rick Michaels. Sexy badass Pandora comes out to join him in his corner. Quasi takes his time taking out his earrings. He backs away from all of Johnny's advances. They finally lock up. Johnny throws Quasi and Quasi is out of the ring again whining that Johnny Danger pulled his hair. What hair, Quasi? Johnny chases Quasi around the ring for a while. Quasi did manage to overpower Danger for a minute, but Johnny quickly regained control. Ricky Nugent helped Quasi cheat for a bit, however, Pandora broke it up. When Quasi chopped Johnny, it looked like he barely touched him. Johnny tickled him at one point. Danger went up top, but he missed as Quasi rolled out of the way. Danger pushed Quasi into Nugent as he attempted to interfere. Danger wins the match by pinning Quasi. All the priority males came out for a massive beatdown of Danger and Pandora. Chip Day and Sylar Cross came out to their defense. In two weeks, Pandora and Danger have a rematch with the Priority Males with a partner of their choice.

Match 2: Worst Case Scenario vs. Morgan Davis and Matt Von Reaper

Eli Evans dominated the first part of this match. Morgan Davis gained momentum from him and was able to roll him up. In my opinion, Von Reaper has a wicked clothesline. At one point he is dominating Ethan Case, but Eli Evans makes the tag and turns it around. Rachel interferes like she always does. Reaper goes for a move, gets caught and Eli Evans pins him, but he kicks out at 2. Worst Case Scenario isolates Von Reaper for a good portion of the match. Ethan Case does an amazing suplex. When Morgan finally makes the tag, he starts cleaning house, however they manage to double team him. Eli Evans and Ethan Case win. They work really well together as a team, and I think my bias towards heels is starting to show a little here. I really love watching those two wrestle, and I think they possess a lot of talent. I can't wait to see them take on the Washington Bullets again sometime in the future.

Match 3: Raymond King vs. Patton Jones

Two newcomers debuted in the PCW ring last night. Raymond King came out wearing a crown and shiny gold trunks. Patton Jones wore camouflage, and he was as simple as King was flashy. We called Raymond King "Burger King." It takes King some time to get started. I think Patton Jones has a good dropkick. Raymond King does a lot of flashy stuff between moves. Jones picks up the win, and the crowd yells "haha, there's a new king in town." the king's crown was upside down after his loss. It was a good debut match from both wrestlers and I really want to see more.

Match 4: Brian Blaze and Marko Polo vs. MC Warhorse and Sylar Cross.

Ricky Nugent comes out and tells us how lucky we are to have Marko Polo and Brian Blaze in the house. When MC Warhorse came out, I was immediately inclined to believe the Priority Males had the advantage, even though Cross is an amazing wrestler. The warhorses aren't known for their wrestling prowess, however, they are hilarious.  Let's go Sylar chants radiated from the audience. MC Warhorse dances and Polo easily dominates him. MC Warhorse dances while he attempts to put Marko in holds. Cross does a great elbow drop and a great leg drop. There were too many of the Priority Males outside the ring for my liking, as their faction is inclined to foul play. Warhorse tags himself in for a near fall. Blaze knocks him out of the ring. MC Warhorse dances as Brian Blaze hits him. Sylar breaks up a submission. Polo and Blaze attempt to isolate Warhorse as they tease that they will let him make a tag. Sylar comes out and kicks butt, but he only gets a two count. Warhorse gets the tag, but Polo dominates him and gets the pin. The males win it. Quasi enters the ring, and Sylar slams him for his second beatdown of the night.

The show took a 10 minute intermission. Johnny Danger and Supernatural were selling their t-shirts this week. Pandora has a selection of new photos available as well.

Match 5: Corey Hollis vs. Chip Day

This match is a wrestling fan's dream because both Hollis and Day are technically gifted. Even though Hollis is a heel, I really want to cheer for him because he belongs on television and I feel Porterdale fans are extremely lucky to see such a talent.  Chip nails Hollis with a kick, but Hollis is able to kick out of the pin attempt quickly. Hollis throws Chip out of the ring, and the action spills in the audience. Hollis chops Chip and Chip chops back. Chip kicked him on a bench into the wall, and then he smacked him against the ring post. Corey does a dropkick but only manages to get a two count. By this point, I've given up all pretenses of cheering for Chip Day. Corey gives Chip a cheap shot to the throat. Chip does clotheslines after kicking Corey from the corner. He does a dropkick to Corey's face, but Corey kicks out. Hollis falls out of the ring after receiving a series of kicks to his chest. Chip does a dropkick from the top. Corey Hollis does his version of a "Styles Clash" and also only manages to get a two count after such an amazing move. Chip then gets a two count. Chip finally gets Hollis into an ankle lock, but time runs out before Hollis taps. There was no submission, there was no pin. It was a time limit draw. Chip asks Corey to shake his hand, but Corey spits on him. I admit I yelled "Don't shake his hand, spit on him" right before he did it much to the dismay of the fans around me. I was really happy he did it, and I'm kind of ashamed to admit that. I really love Chip Day. I think he's a great wrestler. I just like Corey Hollis more at the moment even though he's a bad guy. This was easily the match of the night in my opinion. Corey and Chip are supposed to have their rematch on December 15th. I am looking forward to this contest.

Main Event: Triple Threat Match for the Unified PCW/Empire title. Shane Marx vs. Supernatural vs. De La Vega.

This match is difficult for the fans to decide who they love more. Both Supernatural and De La Vega are fan favorites. Both wrestlers enter to cheers. Now it is time for the most hated duo in all of Porterdale, the illustrious Shane Marx and his scheming sidekick Miss Rachel to enter. I started a "Ya'll are evil" chant, and he smiles knowingly at this. He poses for pictures because he believes he is "Best in the World". We are all chanting "Worst in the World" in response to this. My heel bias is not present in this match. I despise Shane Marx the way I should. He excellently elicits my wrath. Supernatural and De La Vega are working together at the beginning of the match. Worst Case Scenario attempts to interfere, but the referee ejects them. De La Vega is showing a new aggressive side in this match, and he really looks good. There are many pin attempts in this match. Supernatural and De La Vega work together again in the match doubleteaming Marx. Vega does a lot of great moves, including a neckbreaker and a spear. Supernatural tries to overpower Shane Marx. He manages to do so, and he nearly gets the falls, however, Assesino comes out and cause a disqualification by hitting Supernatural. De La Vega and Supernatural continue to double team Marx. Shane Marx retains the title because the match was called no contest due to Assesino 's interference. A tag team match has been scheduled for December 15th's show. Shane Marx and Assesino will take on Supernatural and De La Vega inside a steel cage.