Sunday, July 13, 2014

Southern Fried Championship Wrestling--July 12, 2014--Monroe, GA

220 fans packed into the Nowell Recreation Center. The fanbase for this promotion is loyal, and I decided to give it a second look after reading the talent pool had improved since my last visit. Two matches stood out as superior to the rest of the show, the opener featuring Fred Yehi and Kameron Kade, and the women's match featuring Pandora and Amber O'Neal.  The show ran very long, a little over three hours, and little felt like it flowed, and only a few moments wove together to create a long term story.

Match 1: Fred Yehi vs. Kameron Kade

Fred wore monkey pajama pants and took the microphone to make his ring announcement.  He fell down laughing during Cade's entrance because the ring announcer messed up the name of Cade's cruiserweight title.  Fred Yehi has the technical wrestling ability to make any opponent look good. He also maintained a good comedic heel presence.  Cade reversed Yehi's sunset flip attempt and pinned Yehi. Yehi was a sore loser, and he attacked Cade after the victory putting him in the Koji clutch.

Joseph Brock III, a nerdy businessman character, came to the ring.  He'd heard that Southern Fried Championship wrestling was the best wrestling in GA, and that they had the best fans anywhere.  He said that everything he'd heard was a lie, and got a lot of heat for that comment.  He said he'd brought a new talent to Southern Fried Championship wrestling and that talent would be revealed later in the show.

Match 2: Savage Shane vs. Josh Storm.

Shame spent a long time at the beginning out of the ring jawing with the audience.  The audience was fairly quiet during this match.  Josh won by avoiding Shane's offense and rolled him up.

Match 3: Roscoe Ray and Jamie Holmes vs. The New Generation

Roscoe Ray won the belts with Kody Jack, however Kody Jack was still injured, so Roscoe was left without a partner for the first part of the match against the The New Generation. Roscoe took a baby from the audience to use as his partner, and the audience laughed.  Jamie Holmes came out to be Roscoe's partner when it looked like The New Generation, and Holmes and Roscoe won the match. The match was boring and a lot of the in ring work was sloppy, but Roscoe's fans are firmly behind him enough not to care.

Roscoe was unhappy that Jamie Holmes helped him win because Holmes used to be affiliated with The Company. Holmes begged for forgiveness and they shook hands.

Match 4: Leatherface vs. Sinistar

Sinistar was billed from the farthest galaxy.  Leatherface won the match, and the audience loved him.

Match 5: Chris Nelms(w/Amber O Neal)  vs. Logan Creed

Amber O' Neal's experience showed as she distracted the referee allowing the heels to get their interference.  She interfered a few times herself.  The match was going ok when Joseph Brock III came out and his client, The Jagged Edge attacked Logan Creed. Jagged said "The big dog is back" and he continued to insult the crowd. Jagged's attack resulted in a disqualification win for Creed.  Creed vs. Jagged Edge was set for the August 30th Terry Lawler appreciation show.

Match 6: AJ Steel vs. Head of Security Andy Miller

The security guard actually had a match. I'm shaking my head a little at the idea of a non-wrestling non character being featured on a card, I can only assume that AJ Steel had given security guards trouble over the past few months leading up to this match.  Miller got in a little offense at the beginning of the match, but Steel quickly gained advantage.  Steel pulled Miller's shirt over his head and chopped him in the chest. Steel won with a spinning slam.

Josh Storm attacked AJ Steel with a flying clothesline, then did a hurricanrana. Steel caught him when he attempted a crossbody, but Pandora came to Josh's aid with a low blow to Steel.  She announced that the Dream Team has come to SFCW. Steel said if they were the dream team, he's both their worst nightmare. The crowd adores Pandora, and hopefully some of that will carry over to Storm.

Match 7: Monster Maul vs. Steve Lawler

The action spilled outside the ring quickly, and the crowd was clearly behind Lawler. Lawler won, and he unmasked Maul. Maul hid his face in shame.

Lawler said he was here for Murder One, and he threatened to beat his ass all over GA. He called him out and AJ Steel came in his place.  On fan appreciation night, three of the four original members of Bad Company will be at SFCW, and the match will be Bad Company vs. The Company. If The Company wins, they get The Bad Company name, but if they lose they can never use that music or the name The Company again, plus Chris Nelms will have to come out wearing a diaper.

Match 8: Amber O Neal vs. Pandora

This match was the match of the night. Amber left the ring after Pandora gained advantage at the beginning. Amber wrapped Pandora's legs around the ringpost in a variation of the figure four. Pandora attempted a sunset flip, but Amber reversed it. They reversed it back and forth several times, but neither managed the pin. Pandora won the match with a DDT pinning Amber.  Pandora was crowned SFCW's Queen of the Ring.

Match 9: Dark Mon vs. Twisted (Jerry Nelms)

The match was over in less than a minute when Chris Nelms hit Dark Mon with a chair resulting in a disqualification.  Chris Nelms and Jerry Nelms got in a fight, and Jerry Nelms is still champ. Jerry Nelms flipped off the top rope onto a chair onto Chris, and while I think the Twisted character is an interesting direction for Jerry Nelms, I really wanted to see the match with Dark Mon.  Dark Mon chokeslamming Chris Nelms almost made up for the fact that there wasn't much of a main event. Chris Nelms vs. Jerry Nelms was set for August 9th when SFCW returns to Monroe.

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