Sunday, January 26, 2014

NWA Atlanta--January 25,2014--Locust Grove,GA

The auction company was packed and the crowd was hot despite the chilly temperatures outside.  Though there were only 4 matches, each did its best to give the crowd a good show.  

Rey Guapo was supposed to take part in the initial contest, but The BFF's came out and beat him down before his opponent was even named.  Adorable Anthony Edwards said "I just don't think people take us seriously.  We're the only tag team here, so it looks like we've got the night off".  

Fry Daddy and Marko came out to fight the BFF's. Fry Daddy asked "Why don't ya'll put the titles on the line if you're big and bad and serious?"  The match ended up being a non-title match. The whole place cheered for Marko and Fry Daddy, and Fry Daddy did his best to pump up the crowd while he was on the apron.  Michael Stevens hit Fry Daddy with the belt while the referee's back was turned and they won the match.  The crowd went ballistic with disdain for the BFF's because of their dirty win.  

After the first match there was a long intermission to clear up some technical issues they were having with the lighting. During this time, one of the lights at the entrance fell over, but they were able to fix it and things went on.  A little bit of the momentum created in the opening contest was lost, but it was quickly recovered during the second match.  

Zac Edwards took on newcomer Colt Callaway, and Zac was booed so hard by the audience I could barely hear him talk.  Colt Callaway did a lot of high flying moves, and I hope to see more from him.  Zac Edwards thwarted his sunset flip attempt and pinned him. He had his hand on rope, but the referee didn't see it.  

Drew Adler wrestled GA Max Champion Matt "Sex" Sells in a non-title contest.  Matt Sells does everything he can to make the audience hate him including strategically spitting his gum into the audience.  It's always a treat to watch him.  Drew Adler won the match pinning Sells after a huge kick.  

The main event pitted challenger J-Rod against GA Heavyweight champion "The Dream" Tyson Dean.  Tyson Dean exited the ring several times during the match, each time coming dangerously closer to being counted out.  J-Rod finally decided to follow him outside the ring.  Kurt Kilgore, Dean's manager, attempted to interfere, but he wasn't able because the referee almost saw his deeds.  Tyson attempted a sleeper, but J-Rod was able to escape.  J-Rod kicked Dean in the butt, but Dean regained control.  J-Rod almost had Dean put away, but Kurt Kilgore pulled the referee out of the ring.  J-Rod fought with Kilgore for a minute. The referee was knocked out during the scuffle, and The BFF's came out and introduced a chair.  Tyson Dean slammed J-Rod onto the chair.  He retained his title because Kilgore woke up the referee as Dean had J-Rod pinned.  Tyson Dean continued beating J-Rod with the assistance of The BFF's, and Fry Daddy and Marko came out to make the save.  The crowd was so angry with Tyson Dean's antics that some were throwing trash at the ring.  

NWA Atlanta impressed me this weekend. The crowd was hot for every match.  It helped that they'd taken a couple of weeks to build their main event rivalry with the promos that Tyson and J-Rod cut on each other at the previous show.  It helped that each match told an individual story.  It would be wonderful if they kept the momentum from this show, and they were able to bring it to the next one on February 15. 

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