60 fans came out for the 5th anniversary show hosted by Platinum Championship Wrestling. The energy in the building from both the fans and the wrestlers was infectious. I highly suspect some of it had to with the fact that the Monster Energy Drink company was outside the door giving out free samples of their product, but it made for a rocking good time.
Matt Hankins kicked off the show. "They told me to say home tonight. You've got to be crazier than hell to think that I was going to be laid in my recliner watching TV than be here." He talked about how 5 years ago when they came here they didn't know for sure what would happen. "Each and everyone we thank you for giving us a home. I will not rest a comfortable night until the cornerstone is vanquished." His speech made me tear up a little because I've been here in Porterdale attending the shows since almost the beginning, the first show I attended being in May 2012. I've seen all the changes in the building and the show, and I couldn't be prouder as a fan watching it all come to fruition.
1) Trevor Aeon vs. Brian Blaze
Blaze was on fire with aggressive energy. When Aeon tried to exit the ring, Blaze followed him out and they brawled outside. Aeon reentered on the eight count. Aeon's vicious streak showed in his kicks, and he smiled sadistically as he applied the armbar, slowly attempting to break each finger in the process. Aeon attempted to stomp Blaze, but he dodged and regained control of the match. He did a back drop for a two count. He punched Aeon and the fight went outside the ring again, and it went all the way into the back of the building in the bar area. They fought on the bar itself. Aeon kicked Blaze in the face as the referee counted ten. It was ruled a double countout but they kept fighting. The crowd yelled "Let them fight" as officials separated them and they were led upstairs.
2)Logan Creed (w/Brooklyn Page) vs. Go Time Eric Jones
Jones was quick, but would he stand up to Creed's size and strength. Jones tried to fell Creed with kicks to no avail. Creed attacked Jones with vicious chops. He threw Jones across the ring like he weighed nothing. "The more ya'll talk, the more abuse he'll get" he taunted the audience. Creed did a gorgeous standing suplex for only a two count. Creed executed the sit out powerbomb so fiercely that it looked like it killed Jones. Creed won the match with a styles clash, and after his win he did it again just to show his dominance as Brooklyn Page smiled devilishly.
Uncle Money addressed the crowd. " I wanted to thank you guys for the support. I want to explain why I chose Porterdale. We all have something in common. We earn our money. The Cornerstone doesn't earn their their money. The Cornerstone are thieves. They take wrestlers. They tried to take the championship from Geter. The worst of all they tried to take Uncle Money. Somebody better pay Uncle Money." The crowd chanted his name throughout the building.
3) David Tita vs. Damien Silva vs. Chris "The Hype" Henry
Silva and Henry doubled up on Tita. Tita exited the ring, so they locked up. Tita stalked around outside looking for an opening. He argued with fans outside the ring while Henry and Silva put on a good match inside the ring. Tita finally reentered brutally assaulting both Henry and Silva. Henry is athletic. He does many high energy maneuvers and he's a pleasure to watch. Silva did a couple of really crisp suplexes. Tita kicked Silva off the ring apron. Silva reentered in time to throw Henry out. Tita it a leg drop for 2, then punched Henry. Henry countered with a hurricanrana. Silva did a spinebuster. Tita landed a top rope splash for a two count. Silva superkicked Tita, then did an STO for a two count. The referee caught Tita trying to stuff his necklace in his elbow pad. Henry took advantage of that distraction and got the pin.
4)St. Patrick's Day Rumble
Two competitors, Trevor Aeon and Haikken, began the match. Every 90 seconds, another competitor entered the ring. Competitors were considered eliminated if they were thrown over the top rope and their feet hit the floor. Aeon had crazy face as he yelled "This is how you make someone suffer." Brian Blaze entered next. The heat from Blaze and Aeon's earlier match carried into the rumble. Blaze and Haikken worked together to try to eliminate Aeon early, but it didn't pan out. Jay Jay Williams entered next, and the crowd yelled "rip the mask off". Jay Jay answered that with a DX style "suck it" gesture. Marko entered next sporting a newly grown beard and coming out to his older theme music. Dementia de Rose entered next, followed by Logan Creed. There was a staredown between Williams and Creed. They exchanged punches and kicks. Creed eliminated Williams. He eliminated Marko next. Brian Kane entered the rumble next. Blaze and Aeon eliminated each other. The heat between them was infectious as they continued to brawl. David Tita entered next, and Creed tried to eliminate him but got kicked in the face. The Carpenter entered and wasted no time attacking Haikken before moving onto Kane. Dementia attacked Creed. Creed chokeslammed her. Creed tried to eliminate Haikken but he held on. Damien Silva entered next and he and Tita fought. Uncle Money entered next. Dementia eliminated Silva and Tita. They fought so hard they nearly knocked the speakers over. Carpenter hid outside the ring, and the audience forgot about him. Dementia eliminated Logan Creed. She also eliminated Chris Henry. Brian Kane and Haikken eliminated her. They were the final men in the ring. Haikken suplexed Kane, and The Carpenter popped out of his hiding place and eliminated both of them. This rumble was better than most matches of its kind because it carried heat between different competitors and their individual feuds.
5)Thunderkitty vs. Randy West
Thunderkitty is a throwback to the golden age of women's wrestling. She looks like she belongs in the 1940's or 1950's. Randy West looks like a brawler. Even though PCW had never seen either of them, the crowd really responded well to the match. The differences in their styles of wrestling played well off each other. While they fought, Dementia de Rose just stood outside the ring glaring at both. Her anger at not being in the anniversary show's women's match finally overflowed. She hit Thunderkitty with a spinebuster causing a disqualification. She yelled about how she is PCW's women's wrestler and how it was an insult for her to be left out of the women's match. Thunderkitty said if she ever comes back to PCW she'd gladly face Dementia in a match. Hopefully, this will happen sometime in the near future.
6) The Danger City Demons vs. The Much Hate Mulisha
The Mulisha came out toting the Tag Team Season Trophy that The Cornerstone stole from The Danger City Demons. Danger came out wearing the Casey Jones mask that's become his signature face gear for street fights. Marshall and Awesome wanted to start in the ring, but Danger and Valek got their way and the fight started outside. The rules of a Porterdale Street Fight dictate that the pinfall can take place anywhere in the city limits of Porterdale. Weapons included a broom, metal trash cans, cookie sheets,and a toilet plunger. Stunt Marshall sold a toilet plunger to the face like he was being killed. Awesome and Danger fought up the stairs and the match lagged a little as it seemed that Danger had abandoned Valek for a few minutes. It picked back up when Danger brought in a barbed wire bat. Valek stuffed CJ Awesome into a trash can and did an elbow drop, and had a perfect opportunity to try to pin him, but didn't bother. Danger brought tacks in and Awesome dumped Danger in the tacks. The Demons won it by pinning Marshall after a chair shot from the middle rope. PCW won the night and gathered to celebrate.
At April 2nd's show, Haikken said that The Cornerstone can bring who they want and line them all up. He'll face them in a gauntlet match.
The fifth anniversary show was a triumph for PCW. Five years for a wrestling promotion to run in one building, with a devoted fan base, is a rare feat in the current wrestling climate. Hopefully this is a sign of even more great things to come.
Matt Hankins kicked off the show. "They told me to say home tonight. You've got to be crazier than hell to think that I was going to be laid in my recliner watching TV than be here." He talked about how 5 years ago when they came here they didn't know for sure what would happen. "Each and everyone we thank you for giving us a home. I will not rest a comfortable night until the cornerstone is vanquished." His speech made me tear up a little because I've been here in Porterdale attending the shows since almost the beginning, the first show I attended being in May 2012. I've seen all the changes in the building and the show, and I couldn't be prouder as a fan watching it all come to fruition.
1) Trevor Aeon vs. Brian Blaze
Blaze was on fire with aggressive energy. When Aeon tried to exit the ring, Blaze followed him out and they brawled outside. Aeon reentered on the eight count. Aeon's vicious streak showed in his kicks, and he smiled sadistically as he applied the armbar, slowly attempting to break each finger in the process. Aeon attempted to stomp Blaze, but he dodged and regained control of the match. He did a back drop for a two count. He punched Aeon and the fight went outside the ring again, and it went all the way into the back of the building in the bar area. They fought on the bar itself. Aeon kicked Blaze in the face as the referee counted ten. It was ruled a double countout but they kept fighting. The crowd yelled "Let them fight" as officials separated them and they were led upstairs.
2)Logan Creed (w/Brooklyn Page) vs. Go Time Eric Jones
Jones was quick, but would he stand up to Creed's size and strength. Jones tried to fell Creed with kicks to no avail. Creed attacked Jones with vicious chops. He threw Jones across the ring like he weighed nothing. "The more ya'll talk, the more abuse he'll get" he taunted the audience. Creed did a gorgeous standing suplex for only a two count. Creed executed the sit out powerbomb so fiercely that it looked like it killed Jones. Creed won the match with a styles clash, and after his win he did it again just to show his dominance as Brooklyn Page smiled devilishly.
Uncle Money addressed the crowd. " I wanted to thank you guys for the support. I want to explain why I chose Porterdale. We all have something in common. We earn our money. The Cornerstone doesn't earn their their money. The Cornerstone are thieves. They take wrestlers. They tried to take the championship from Geter. The worst of all they tried to take Uncle Money. Somebody better pay Uncle Money." The crowd chanted his name throughout the building.
3) David Tita vs. Damien Silva vs. Chris "The Hype" Henry
Silva and Henry doubled up on Tita. Tita exited the ring, so they locked up. Tita stalked around outside looking for an opening. He argued with fans outside the ring while Henry and Silva put on a good match inside the ring. Tita finally reentered brutally assaulting both Henry and Silva. Henry is athletic. He does many high energy maneuvers and he's a pleasure to watch. Silva did a couple of really crisp suplexes. Tita kicked Silva off the ring apron. Silva reentered in time to throw Henry out. Tita it a leg drop for 2, then punched Henry. Henry countered with a hurricanrana. Silva did a spinebuster. Tita landed a top rope splash for a two count. Silva superkicked Tita, then did an STO for a two count. The referee caught Tita trying to stuff his necklace in his elbow pad. Henry took advantage of that distraction and got the pin.
4)St. Patrick's Day Rumble
Two competitors, Trevor Aeon and Haikken, began the match. Every 90 seconds, another competitor entered the ring. Competitors were considered eliminated if they were thrown over the top rope and their feet hit the floor. Aeon had crazy face as he yelled "This is how you make someone suffer." Brian Blaze entered next. The heat from Blaze and Aeon's earlier match carried into the rumble. Blaze and Haikken worked together to try to eliminate Aeon early, but it didn't pan out. Jay Jay Williams entered next, and the crowd yelled "rip the mask off". Jay Jay answered that with a DX style "suck it" gesture. Marko entered next sporting a newly grown beard and coming out to his older theme music. Dementia de Rose entered next, followed by Logan Creed. There was a staredown between Williams and Creed. They exchanged punches and kicks. Creed eliminated Williams. He eliminated Marko next. Brian Kane entered the rumble next. Blaze and Aeon eliminated each other. The heat between them was infectious as they continued to brawl. David Tita entered next, and Creed tried to eliminate him but got kicked in the face. The Carpenter entered and wasted no time attacking Haikken before moving onto Kane. Dementia attacked Creed. Creed chokeslammed her. Creed tried to eliminate Haikken but he held on. Damien Silva entered next and he and Tita fought. Uncle Money entered next. Dementia eliminated Silva and Tita. They fought so hard they nearly knocked the speakers over. Carpenter hid outside the ring, and the audience forgot about him. Dementia eliminated Logan Creed. She also eliminated Chris Henry. Brian Kane and Haikken eliminated her. They were the final men in the ring. Haikken suplexed Kane, and The Carpenter popped out of his hiding place and eliminated both of them. This rumble was better than most matches of its kind because it carried heat between different competitors and their individual feuds.
5)Thunderkitty vs. Randy West
Thunderkitty is a throwback to the golden age of women's wrestling. She looks like she belongs in the 1940's or 1950's. Randy West looks like a brawler. Even though PCW had never seen either of them, the crowd really responded well to the match. The differences in their styles of wrestling played well off each other. While they fought, Dementia de Rose just stood outside the ring glaring at both. Her anger at not being in the anniversary show's women's match finally overflowed. She hit Thunderkitty with a spinebuster causing a disqualification. She yelled about how she is PCW's women's wrestler and how it was an insult for her to be left out of the women's match. Thunderkitty said if she ever comes back to PCW she'd gladly face Dementia in a match. Hopefully, this will happen sometime in the near future.
6) The Danger City Demons vs. The Much Hate Mulisha
The Mulisha came out toting the Tag Team Season Trophy that The Cornerstone stole from The Danger City Demons. Danger came out wearing the Casey Jones mask that's become his signature face gear for street fights. Marshall and Awesome wanted to start in the ring, but Danger and Valek got their way and the fight started outside. The rules of a Porterdale Street Fight dictate that the pinfall can take place anywhere in the city limits of Porterdale. Weapons included a broom, metal trash cans, cookie sheets,and a toilet plunger. Stunt Marshall sold a toilet plunger to the face like he was being killed. Awesome and Danger fought up the stairs and the match lagged a little as it seemed that Danger had abandoned Valek for a few minutes. It picked back up when Danger brought in a barbed wire bat. Valek stuffed CJ Awesome into a trash can and did an elbow drop, and had a perfect opportunity to try to pin him, but didn't bother. Danger brought tacks in and Awesome dumped Danger in the tacks. The Demons won it by pinning Marshall after a chair shot from the middle rope. PCW won the night and gathered to celebrate.
At April 2nd's show, Haikken said that The Cornerstone can bring who they want and line them all up. He'll face them in a gauntlet match.
The fifth anniversary show was a triumph for PCW. Five years for a wrestling promotion to run in one building, with a devoted fan base, is a rare feat in the current wrestling climate. Hopefully this is a sign of even more great things to come.
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