Sunday, January 17, 2016

Platinum Championship Wrestling--January 16, 2016--Porterdale, GA

Platinum Championship Wrestling had another packed out house last night. The focus right now is on the Tag Team Season, and the feuds are getting hotter.

Match 1: Shane Marx vs. Ray Fury

The two locked up. Marx delivered a gorgeous dropkick. Fury left the ring to get his bearings. They engaged in a test of strength where Marx attempted to break Fury's arms.  Marx delivered a scoop slam followed by a drop punch. He repeated that combination with maximum results.  Fury chopped Marx's chest. The two exchanged blows, and Fury managed a two count.  Fury attempted a submission, but Marx fought out. Fury landed a big knee to Marx's chest, and it resulted in a pin attempt.  They exchanged blows again while Marx was poised on the top turnbuckle. Fury attempted a superplex, but Marx knocked him down then dropkicked him.  Both men were down for a nine count. Marx decimated Fury with kicks, then a belly to belly suplex for a two count.  Fury landed a facebuster for a two count.  Fury went for a kick, Marx evaded. Marx landed a spinebuster on Fury for two.  Marx set up for Natural Selection, but Fury got out. He attempted to kick Marx, but Marx evaded. Marx didn't miss Natural Selection on its second attempt, and he won the match. It was a lovely way to open a show and a triumphant return for Marx.

Match 2: Geter vs. Eric Jones

Big F'n Deal came to the ring. Geter reminded the audience that there is still an open contract on the championship. "There's an open contract to any man who feels they can take this from me. I understand there's a young man who wants to add his name to this list. Eric Jones came down to face Geter.

Jones' blows looked like they did little to the giant Geter.  Geter delivered giant chops to Jones' chest. Jones did his very best, but for a little while it appeared the size differential was just too much. Geter suplexed Jones for a one count. Jones attacked with kicks and punches that did little to stop the giant's offense.  Even in the midst of the contest, Geter had enough respect for Jones to call to the audience to support him. Jones bit Geter, and his punches and kicks finally felled Geter.  Jones goes up top and hits Geter with a splash for a two count.  Geter hit Jones with a German Suplex. Jones tapped out to a modified half crab.

The commentators announced that Logan Creed has challenged Geter via the open contract and that match will take place February 6th.  Geter said "Give Go Time a round of applause. Young men like this are the future of the PCW roster. There's another young man chomping at the bit to make a name here at PCW. Join us out here JAM. You fight till the end. That's what PCW will stand for. Don't lay down for anyone. Not me, not Platinum and his little band of goons."  JAM took the mic. "it's been a long two weeks. Two weeks ago, Platinum and his goons tried to destroy me and Damien. He didn't destroy me. He made me a better person." JAM announced that he and Damien Silva are competing as a team for the 2016 Tag Team Season.

Match 3: Matt Gilbert vs. Brian Kane

Quasi Mandisco called Gilbert a Brian Kane wannabe. He then said that he and Brian Kane are Porterdale. It still amazes me how easy it was for him to get the crowd to love him considering the level of animosity they held for him for such a long time.

Kane hit two crisp arm drags and Gilbert responded with a nice dropkick. Gilbert hit stiff punches and kicks followed by a standing suplex.  Gilbert and Kane went back and forth. Kane misjudged the moonsault, and Gilbert hit a flying clothesline for two.  Two blows to the head from Gilbert were answered by chest chops from Kane. Kane could barely fight back to his feet, but he thwarted Gilbert at every turn.  Gilbert kicked Kane in his injured shoulder for a two count. Kane stomped Gilbert's toes. Gilbert slammed Kane and went up top. Kane rolled up Gilbert, but barely made the pin. Perhaps this is the beginning of a new rivalry. At any rate, it was the match to watch.

Match 4: The Movement vs. Chris Henry and Jay Newman.

The Movement interrupted Newman and Henry's hype time during their entrance.  Henry did a gorgeous dive to the outside onto The Movement.  Henry hit Talon Williams with an elbow. Chip Hazard landed a backbreaker to Henry for a two count.  Henry tried to fight as best he could. Hazard tried to choke him.  Hazard slammed Henry into Williams' boot.  Williams hit Henry with a suplex. Henry sent a flurry of punches and knees, but Williams hit him with another suplex.  Williams hit Henry with an STO, but Henry got his foot on the rope. Henry was isolated for a long time. Hazard knocked Newman off the apron to keep him from tagging in to aid his partner. Williams decimated Henry, but Henry got in some offense of his own, and Hazard had to break up the count.  Newman tags in and clotheslines.  The Movement tried to double team Newman but only managed a two count. Hype felled them both, and dived between the ropes to keep the non-legal man down. Newman won the match with a rollup to end a dynamic and entertaining contest. The energy radiating off Henry and Newman was infectious.

Match 5: Eli Daniels vs. Joey Sparks

Eli Daniels was accompanied by his ringside manager Mathias Darkthorne. The match started with a lot of grappling. Daniels looked like he had the advantage after a powerful punch.  Sparks moved amazingly for such a big man, and Daniels held his own.  He landed a gorgeous kick to Sparks' chin for a 2 count.  Darkthorne choked Sparks in the ropes, but there was no real effect. Sparks damn near kicked Daniels' head off for a two count. Daniels suplexed Sparks, which was no easy feat, for a two count.  Daniels kicked Sparks in the head for a two count. Daniels tried to get Sparks in a sleeper, and kept using his feet to attain leverage. It had no real effect. Sparks got another two count on Daniels. Daniels hit a superkick. Darkthorne interfered with the count after Sparks hit Daniels with a spinebuster. Daniels took advantage of the distraction and got the win.

Main Event: Bill the Butcher and Dementia De Rose vs. The Danger City Demons

Carpenter stipulated that De Rose and Butcher would only face the Demons if upon their loss they'd be out of the 2016 Tag Team Season.  The Demons countered that if they won, they'd get five minutes alone in the ring with The Carpenter to exact revenge.

Danger and De Rose began the match. The Demons landed a double elbow on De Rose. De Rose slammed Valek and tagged in Butcher who missed a splash in the corner, Valek gained momentum. Butcher tried to choke then pounded Valek into the mat. Butcher stomped Valek's midsection, then threw him like a doll.  Danger went for a tag, and Butcher knocked him off the apron. Butcher did a huge spear for a two count. Butcher hit Valek with a spinebuster. De Rose hit him with a butt buster. Valek tried to roll up De Rose. Butcher tried to knock Danger off the rope a second time, but Danger tagged in. Butcher pushed the referee into Danger's coming offense and they knocked out the referee. Carpenter tried to use his bat, but Mandisco grabbed it and gave it to Danger. Danger hit Carpenter, but Butcher hit Danger with a chain. Danger was pinned after Carpenter woke up the ref. Carpenter set up The Demons like sacrificial lambs, and it looked like The Movement were coming to finish them off. The Movement turned on The Carpenter and joined the Demons side. On February 6th, The Movement will take on members of The Cornerstone.

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