PCW's first show of the year was awesome. The crowds are back since football season is over. It was a treat to see A.R. Fox and the Dragon Shynron who've both made names in larger independent companies all over the country.
Match 1: "Hit for Hire" Bobby Moore and De La Vega vs. Adrian Armour and Shynron
Winners: "Hit for Hire" Bobby Moore and De La Vega
Adrian Armour and De La Vega started with a test of strength, but Vega quickly tagged in Bobby Moore. Moore tried to break Armour's arm, but Armour managed a rope break. Moore kicked Armour in the gut. Armour caught Moore in a headlock. Shynron dropkicked Moore from the top rope as Armour held him in place. Vega tagged in, and Shynron dodged Vega's clotheslines. Shynron did a handspring which led into a neckbreaker. He followed up with a standing moonsault. Bobby Moore gained control at the point where Shynron nearly knocked Rachel off the apron. Moore and Vega isolated Shynron for a while. Moore knocked Armour off the apron to keep Shynron from making a tag. Moore missed a move and Armour tagged in. Vega also tagged in. Armour tried to pin Vega, but Vega kicked out. Vega did a headscissors to Armour, but he was unsuccessful in his pin attempt. Armour punched Vega in the face several times, and he attempted to pin Vega. Moore tagged in, and he did an elbow from the second rope, but he couldn't pin Armour. Vega dropped Armour and landed a huge elbow to Armour's chest, but he still couldn't manage the pin. Shynron did a hurricanrana to Moore. Moore and Vega were outside the ring and Shynron did a massive dive into both of them. Moore got Armour back into the ring. Moore missed a swing at Armour, and Armour took advantage with a massive suplex. It did no good. Moore managed to pin Armour for the win.
Match 2: AR Fox vs. Casey Kincaid
Winner: Casey Kincaid
Kincaid started by working Fox's arm. Fox did an armdrag, and Kincaid followed this up with a knee to Fox's neck. Kincaid hit Fox hard with a right hand to the jaw. Kincaid unsuccessfully attempted a pin. Fox landed several shots to Kincaid's midsection and followed with a kick to Kincaid's head. Fox dived out of the ring onto Kincaid. He did a handstand centon to Kincaid, but he didn't manage the pin. Fox tried for the pin again after the slam, but was again unsuccessful. Fox did a running clothesline to Kincaid in the corner. He followed up with a sliding dropkick to Kincaid's face. Kincaid did a gutwrench to Fox but didn't manage the pin. Kincaid did a neckbreaker with another unsuccessful pin attempt. He then did a snap suplex and went up to the second rope but he missed that move. Fox clotheslined Kincaid and landed a pretty dropkick. Fox attempted to pin Kincaid. Fox landed a 450 splash, but still was unable to manage the pin. Fox kicked Kincaid in the face. Kincaid tried a sleeper hold, but Fox was able to break it. He attempted it again. Kincaid won the match by pinning Fox. Kincaid showed his sportsmanship by raising Fox's hand in a sign of respect.
Match 3: Sugar Shane, Ricky Nugent, Brian Blaze, Jon Williams, Dynomite Soul, and Marko Polo in a 6 man anyone can tag in at anytime match.
Winner: Jon Williams
Polo and Sugar Shane started. Sugar tried to put Marko in an armbar, but Marko reversed, got Shane on the rope, and dropped him. Jon Williams tagged in and so did Ricky Nugent. Williams took Nugent down and stomped on his arm. He tried to pin Nugent, but Nugent got his foot on the rope. Dynomite Soul tagged in, and he attempted to pin Nugent, but Nugent grabbed the rope. Dynomite Soul tagged in Marko. Marko attempted a sleeper on Nugent, and every wrestler attempted a sleeper on the guy in front of him. They all ended up in a row with Dynomite Soul on the end. Dynomite Soul did a dropkick to end the sleeper row. He tossed Nugent back into the ring and Marko slammed Nugent. Dynomite tagged back in and Nugent took him down. Sugar Shane tagged in, and Dynomite began chopping and punching him. Many tags were made, and Shane ended up tagging in Jon Williams who tagged in Brian Blaze rather quickly. Brian Blaze elbowed Dynomite Soul's kneecaps. Blaze tagged in Nugent who twisted Dynomite's knee around his leg, but Dynomite punched him off of him. Nugent tagged Blaze back in and Blaze stomped Dynomite Soul's lower back. Sugar Shane made it back in, and Dynomite Soul tried to pin him with a small package, but he was unsuccessful. Jon Williams clotheslined Ricky Nugent. Marko then did a Bray Wyatt like reverse STO to Nugent. Jon Williams pinned Nugent for the victory. This entire match was chaotic, but it was exciting.
Match 4: Sylar Cross vs. Logan Creed
Winner: Double Countout
Logan Creed gained momentum early in the match, but Cross would leave the ring everytime. Cross bashed Creed's head on the aprong. Chip Day choked Creed while Cross distracted the referee. Sylar tried unsuccessfully to pin Creed. Creed kneed Cross's midsection. Cross regained control of the match and did a splash to Creed in the corner. Chip Day interfered again as Cross distracted the referee. Cross headbutted Creed. He followed this up by buttslamming Creed. He attempted to pin Creed, but to no avail. Cross was frustrated and choked Creed, but he broke it before the 5 count. Creed slammed Sylar, and Chip Day interfered again by pulling Creed's leg. Creed knocked Chip off the apron. Cross slammed Creed after Creed missed a move off the top rope. Creed pulled Sylar down by his ankles, and the action spilled outside the ring. The match ended in a double countout.
Quasi Mandisco addressed the crowd. "I come out here to wish ya'll a happy new year. I wish you all the birth control, all the pick up trucks, and all the acne medication you neeed for the new year. I'd like to introduce the newest member of the most dominant group at PCW, MAIM, Fry Daddy."
Match 5: Fry Daddy vs. Trey Williams
Winner: Fry Daddy
Trey mocked Quasi by wearing his scarf, then he wiped his butt with it. Quasi had the funniest expression on his face when he got it back. He didn't want to touch that stinky scarf. Fry Daddy punched Trey. Trey took down Fry Daddy and attempted unsuccessfully to pin him. Trey did a hip toss followed by an armbreaker. Trey did a couple pushups then came down hard on Fry Daddy's arm. Trey missed a kick. Fry Daddy went outside the ring for a little breather. Fry Daddy powered out of Trey's next pin attempt. Fry Daddy slammed Trey, elbowed him, then unsuccessfully attempted a pin. They exchanged blows. Trey attempted to fly off the second rope, but Fry Daddy got him in the midsection. Fry Daddy attempted an elbow. Trey clotheslined him then took him down with a leg drop. Trey was distracted by Quasi and Fry Daddy slammed him. He only managed a 2 count. Trey got up, superkicked Fry Daddy, but Fry Daddy kicked out at 2. Trey pushed Fry Daddy off the top rope then superkicked him. Quasi distracted the referee so Fry Daddy could gain control of the match. Fry Daddy slammed Trey. Trey did his superkick and was about to get the win, but Quasi rang the bell disrupting the pin. Trey chased Quasi around the ring then superkicked him. Quasi took the opportunity to throw an illegal object in the ring, and the referee tried to get it from Trey. Fry Daddy won the match after a low blow. The referee only saw the small package rollup. Fry Daddy continued to assault Trey. Marko Polo and Jon Williams came out to aid Trey. Deandre Jackson, Quasi Mandisco, and Fry Daddy against Marko Polo and the Washington Bullets has been set up for January 18th.
Main Event: Terry Lawler vs. Chip Day for the PCW Heavyweight Championship
Winner: Chip Day
Lawler wasted no time attacking Day. He did a neckbreaker and attempted a pin early. Day kneed Lawler. Lawler threw Chip out of the ring, and they brawled near the front entrance to the arena. Chip tried to hit Lawler with a crowbar, but he hit the ringpost and hurt his own hand. Lawler stood on Day's hands, and he hit him in the head. He whipped Day into the corner, but Day got the boot up. Day attempted to pin Lawler. Lawler really did a number on Day but Day managed to do his patented kicks. Lawler answered that with a backdrop. He punched Day in the face then chopped him. Day countered by trying to kick Lawler, but Lawler put him in an ankle lock. Chip made it to the rope because Sylar pulled him. Day kicked Lawler and he ended up pinning him for the win. Chip and Sylar celebrated with their signature "Whoop! There it is!" dance before they continued beating up Lawler. Bobby Moore joined the beatdown party, but Casey Kincaid, Shynron, and A.R. Fox came out to break it up. Chip Day will defend his title on January 18th against Casey Kincaid in a steel cage.
Bonus Match: AR Fox, Shynron,and Casey Kincaid vs. Bobby Moore, Chip Day, and Sylar Cross
There were so many beautiful spots in this match, I simply sat back and decided to take it all in. Casey Kincaid pinned Chip Day and it was electric. The crowd went insane. The crowd is nuts for the idea of Casey and Chip in a steel cage at the next show.
Platinum Championship Wrestling will be back in Porterdale, GA on January 18th.