Saturday, November 16, 2013

Platinum Championship Wrestling--November 16,2013--Porterdale, GA

Match 1: Supernatural vs. Dementia De Rose

Supernatural presented an open challenge, and he was answered by Dementia De Rose.  Supernatural stinkfaced her, and he attempted a sleeper hold.  She snap mared him over.  Dementia did two chokeslams and a side suplex. She followed that with a side head butt.  She bit Super then flipped him over in the corner, but he landed on his feet.  Super went up top, but Dementia beat him down.  She DDT'd him for a pin attempt, but he managed to power out.  Super did a frog splash on Dementia's back and picked up the pin. He quickly dashed away from Dementia's impending revenge and celebrated in the audience with his adoring fans. 

Johnny Danger Time:

Quasi came out and said he planned to make an apology, but first he had a lot to say about the main event.  He complained about how Marko wanted to be "Captain Save-a-tron".  I had a hard time hearing a lot of the first part of Quasi's speech because the crowd attempted to boo him out of the building.  Quasi continued by saying that Marko was not allowed to touch anyone from MAIM until the main event. He called out Johnny Danger so he could apologize for his actions at the previous show.  Johnny Danger's face still looked badly burned from the acid, and he wore sunglasses to protect his sensitive eyes. 

Quasi says to the crowd, "I'm sorry you don't understand what we do.  I'm sorry your lives will never amount to anything.  I'm sorry you live in Porterdump.  I'm sorry you're pieces of ___." (He stopped before he finished that sentence, but everyone knew where was going with it.) Quasi told Johnny that he loved him, but when he turned his back on the Priority Males he'd brought this upon himself.  He told Johnny's wife that since Johnny was injured that he would provide for her in all the best ways. She hit him and a brawl broke out.  Quasi and his minions ripped Danger's shirt and began striking him with a kendo stick.  The Washington Bullets came out to save Johnny Danger.  After the crowd reaction to this segment, I was certain that the addition of the barricades in Porterdale's Main Event Wrestling Arena were to protect the wrestlers from the crowd and not the other way around. 

Match 2: God's Gift to Wrestling vs. Adrian Armour and Joe Black

William Huckaby and Joe Black started the match, but Huckaby tagged in Shawn Adams quickly.  Armour and Black double teamed Adams.  Adams chopped Armour in the corner.  Huckaby came back in and he choked Armour in the corner.  He tried to knocked Joe Black off the apron.  God's Gift to Wrestling isolated Adrian Armour for a long time.  Adams tagged in and he manhandled Armour. Adams did a beautiful dropkick, and Huckaby followed that with a back suplex.  Adams did an elbow from the top rope, but Black broke up the pin attempt.  Huckaby took out Armour with a giant clothesline.  While the referee was distracted, God's Gift to Wrestling made a fake tag. Armour got Adams with a disaster kick off the turnbuckle. Joe Black clotheslined both Adams and Huckaby then drop kicked Adams' face.  Joe Black received a big kick from Huckaby as Adams and Armour battled outside the ring.  Black DDT'd Huckaby to the floor off the top rope. Adams pinned Armour after a big elbow to his face. God's Gift to Wrestling were declared the winner, however, it appeared that Huckaby and Black were actually the legal men. The teamwork in this match was great. 

Anyone who says that tag team wrestling is dead needs to go out to an independent show because tag team wrestling is alive and well here in GA.

Rachel came out to address the bullets. She taunted them with the embarrassment of their loss of their third championship match against The Big F'N Deal at Sacred Ground saying that's why they'd stayed away from Porterdale so long. 

Match 3: Washington Bullets vs. Shane Marx and Bobby Moore

The match began with Jon Williams and Bobby Moore. There were a few quick tags, and at the five minute mark Shane Marx suplexed Trey Williams. Shane and Bobby made a fake tag while Chuck held Jon Williams back from involving himself in the contest after Shane taunted him.  Bobby Moore manhandled Trey and he gave him back elbows in the corner.  Bobby Moore held up his arms and asked the audience "Who sucks now?" and they responded "You suck now".  Shane managed to distract the referee a second time by riling up Jon.  When Jon finally gets in he cleans house. He kicked Bobby Moore in the head.  Shane kicked out after a pin attempt.  Shane received knees to the head, but Bobby Moore broke up the second pin attempt.  The Washington Bullets won the match by pinning Bobby Moore after their double team backstabber and cutter combination. 

Match 4: Sugar Shane vs. Dynomite Soul

Dynomite Soul  performed well in this match.  Sugar Shane won the match, but the referee didn't realize he was holding the rope. 

Sylar Cross and Chip Day came to the ring. He thanked PCW fans for "giving him the night off" so we could watch a night of second rate Athletic competition.  On December 7th he plans to defend the Championship against any ex-champion.  Mason's music played and Chip headed for the hills.  Nothing happened, but hopefully that was a premonition of something that could occur December 7th.  PCW hasn't heard from Mason since Sacred Ground since the stipulation for his loss was that he would leave PCW, but wrestling is much like a soap opera. Their career isn't really dead unless you see the body. 

Match 5: MAIM (Quasi Mandisco, Deandre Jackson, and TMZ) vs. Marko Polo

Marko wasted no time getting this match started, and it got brutal quickly.  A fan made a sign for MAIM and they used the sign to distract the referee so Quasi could choke Marko with his scarf.  Marko survived for a long time even though the numbers game was clearly stacked against him.  Marko Polo hit Quasi with a kendo stick that Quasi had intended to use on him as TMZ beat up the referee. MAIM was disqualified because TMZ beat up the referee, and MAIM responded to this by beating Marko with a chair after the match.  The Bullets and Dynomite came out to assist Marko. Quasi stole the microphone and said "I'm tired of all ya'll interfering with stuff that's none of your business. I don't give a damn about any of you." He attacked Shane Mackey and people had to pull them apart. 

PCW is having a show at Actor's Express Theatre December 4th. Tickets are available online for that show. They will be back in Porterdale on December 7th.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Pro Wrestling Resurrection--November 10, 2013--Gainesville, GA

Attendance was very low, but that's typical for PWR. I counted 25 at belltime.

The show began with All Sells Final. Johnny Danger came out with his face bandaged as a result from last week's vicious attack from Kaiden Knight at PCW.  Matt Sells said "We're thankful for all our fans, all four members of Motley Crue, the doctors who bandaged Johnny Danger's face, and penicillin."  The theme of the show was Feast or Famine. They drew several wrestlers' names, and those who were drawn chose envelopes for either good or bad consequences.

The Undead Luchadors were drawn first, and the paper envelope they chose stated that Zombie Mascaras would be the guest referee in the Women's tag match scheduled as the show's main event.

In the opening contest, Kevin Ballenger faced the International Supertstar simply known as Marko.  Kevin Blue came out during the match wearing a Marvelous Marko shirt, and he stole his U.S. title belt back from Marko.  Marko lost the match against Ballenger because of the distraction.

Marko chose an envelope next, and he was rewarded the opportunity to be General Manager for one match.  As General Manager, he felt the need to dress appropriately, so members of the Fraternity brought him a suit to the ring which he slipped on over his tights. He used his temporary power to punish Kevin Blue. He gave Blue a "warm-up" match against the giant Geter.

Geter taunted the audience as he terrorized Kevin Blue.  Blue sold it extremely well, and the attack looked vicious.  It was exactly what it should be, a form of evil punishment.  Kevin kicked out of Geter's first pin attempt showing great resilience.  He managed to dodge Geter and make him fall with his own momentum. He jumped from the top turnbuckle but Geter caught him.  Marko tried to interfere and hit Kevin with a kendo stick wile Brian Blaze distracted the referee.  Kevin got out of the way, and Marko hit Geter instead. Kevin drop kicked Geter down and got the pin.  This was the best match of the afternoon.  

The next victim of Feast or Famine was "Mr. Seen on TV" Nigel Sherrod who was accompanied by Quasi Mandisco.  There were two slips of paper in his envelope. One read "A trip to China" and the other "Royal Family" They chose "Royal Family" General Manager Michael Gentry revealed that "A trip to China" meant they would have received a $500 gift card to the Hibachi Buffet.  Since they chose Royal Family, they had to put on tiaras, act like princesses, and hand out candy to the audience.  They only complied when the General Manager threatened to take away future title opportunities from The Reckoning.  They threw the candy at the audience and insulted them.  It was hilarious.

Brian Blaze faced Zach Daniels.  Brian and Zach were in the midst of a heated match when Jacob Ashworth pulled Zach out of the ring and beat him down with the aid of Nigel Sherrod and Quasi Mandisco. Quasi choked Zach with his scarf. The match ended in a disqualfication. Jacob Ashworth said "Life's tough for the champ. Enjoy your title reign while it lasts, it's almost over." Quasi added "Ya'll thought it was funny when we were handing out candy, but I don't see you laughing now.  I'd like to announce that Joe Black is joining the Reckoning.  The Reckoning is taking over. You might as well call it Reckoning Pro Wrestling."

The next bout was a 6 man tag that pitted Jacob Ashworth, Joe Black and Nigel Sherrod against The Undead Luchadors and Bulldog James Dylan.  The Bulldog chased Quasi around the ring during his entrance.  While the referee was distracted Ashworth, Black, and Sherrod teamed up on Zombie.  They isolated him for a long time and kept teasing that they'd let him tag.  Zombie moved out of the way of Ashworth's offense allowing Supernatural to come into the match.  He assaulted Black and Sherrod with kicks.  The action spilled out of the ring as Dylan threw Super into Sherrod and Ashworth. Zombie did a Suicide dive into the fray.  Joe Black and Dylan were left in the ring, and Joe Black managed to take advantage of all the chaos and win the match.

Pandora interrupted Michael Gentry while he attempted to announce the Tag Team Title match. She read the crowd the riot act and threatened to cancel her match.  She said the crowd bored her, and that she would leave if the audience didn't make more noise. "I promise you you won't get a match unless you hear noise."

God's Gift to Wrestling faced The Rock and Roll Models for the PWR Tag Team Championships.  Shawn Adams insulted Michael Gentry saying "You fat piece of crap. You're not allowed to speak our names. We are the greatest team to ever grace this company." He also called a boy in the audience an "overweight twelve year old little girl."  Adams and Huckaby didn't let Danger and Sells finish their entrance before they attacked. It must be noted that Johnny Danger's face was marked and his eye showed discoloration from the previous week's attack.  William Huckaby raked the damaged eye of Johnny Danger several times during the match. Matt Sells was isolated for a good portion of the match.  Adams attempted to put Matt down with a Sleeper hold, but that didn't work.  Adams missed a dropkick allowing Matt to tag in Danger.  Adams broke up Danger's pin attempt on Huckaby.  Adams inadvertently struck Huckaby allowing the Rock and Roll models to capitalize and retain their belts.  Huckaby took a foam football from a young boy on the front row and threw it because he was angry he lost.  Gentry commented that God's Gift to Wrestling has fallen from grace.  He said to Huckaby that if he touches anyone he'll hit him.

Pain and Pleasure (Pandora and Nina Monet) faced Dementia De Rose and Aja Pereira.  Dementia De Rose didn't have her signature rose. She instead carried a giant knife to the ring.  Pandora pulled Nina out of the ring to save her from Dementia De Rose's assault in the corner.  It was easy to see that Pandora and Nina have experience as a team when they double teamed the opposition.  Pandora threw white powder in Dementia De Rose's eyes, and they brawled outside the ring. Nina and Aja fought outside the ring on the other side. The match ended in a no contest due to a double countout.  The arena erupted in an all out brawl after that that involved the entire PWR locker room.

This show showed vast improvement over PWR's last two shows.  PWR will be back in Gainesville at the National Guard Armory on December 15 for Winter Riot.  I expect they will continue their positive momentum as they're billing this as a "supercard".

NWA Atlanta--November 9, 2013--Locust Grove, GA

People filtered in until right before the show began. Attendance was about 80. The show began with Tyson Dean and Kurt Kilgore. Kurt Kilgore told the audience that he was celebrating his two year anniversary in Locust Grove "among his peers." He said "I understand you people more than you give me credit for.  You all had dreams, but those dreams were crushed along the way.  I have a gift for you all because Kurt Kilgore has a dream.  I want to invite you all to witness Tyson Dean win the belt. That's my dream." 

Frankie Valentine was Tyson Dean's opponent in the opening contest. Tyson Dean won cleanly. The crowd wasn't very animated for the opening bout despite Kilgore's best efforts to engage them and their wrath. 

Zac Edwards faced King Conga.  Zac acted cowardly, and took a long time to get into the ring. King Conga showed more personality than I'd seen him show in prior outings. He attempted to channel pieces of Abdullah the Butcher and George the Animal Steele by chewing on the ropes and biting the turnbuckles.  Conga exposed one of the turnbuckles to use as a weapon. Zac Edwards capitalized on the exposed turnbuckle because Conga ran into it himself. Edwards rolled him for the pin, and the referee failed to notice his feet resting on the ropes. 

Stupid, accompanied by Tweety, faced Drew Game. Stupid's interactions with the crowd amused me greatly. He claimed that he would win with mind power. Despite his claims and an attempt at interference by his ringside companion,  Drew Game won this bout.

Bobby Hayes faced masked wrestler, Rey Guapo.  Hayes wasted no time attacking Rey Guapo.  The action spilled all over the arena.  Bobby Hayes hit Rey Guapo with a trash can. Hayes pinned Guapo picking up the win.

Kurt Kilgore returned to the ring to give the audience what he called a PSA on disfunctional families just in time for the holidays. He claimed that the Andersons are now disfunctional since Andy's won the belt. "Axil has become a jobber right before our eyes.  We've put him aside now that Andy's champion."

Axil and Andy Anderson faced Bill T. Butcher and Pain.  Bill T. and Pain wasted no time attacking the Andersons. Kurt Kilgore and Tyson Dean came back out to ringside to observe the action. The interaction between Kilgore and the audience was more entertaining for a moment than the match itself.  Tyson Dean stole the Heavyweight championship belt, and Andy Anderson ran backstage after him abandoning Axil. Pain and Bill T. Butcher won the match because Andy left Axil to fend for himself. Andy returned to the ring, and Axil pushed him. He refused to shake Andy's hand, though he grudgingly handed him back his title belt. Could we soon see an Anderson family feud?

Matt "Sex" Sells faced Fry Daddy for the Georgia Max Championship in the main event.  Matt Sells claimed he was our "Rockstar Savior". He was accompanied by a manager he called his "hetero life mate" who wore short green shorts and a shirt that said "Chicks Dig Heels". Sells and Fry Daddy possessed great in-ring chemistry, and this was the best match of the evening.  Matt hit Fry Daddy with the belt while the referee was distracted, but Fry Daddy managed to kick out of that pin attempt. Matt got him with a DDT, and won the belt.  Matt Sells is the new Georgia Max Champion at NWA Atlanta.

The show had bright spots, but was generally steeped in mediocrity.  NWA Atlanta will be back in Stockbridge, GA December 14th.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Platinum Championship Wrestling---Porterdale,GA---November 2, 2013

Match 1: Warhorses 94, 1111, and 13 vs. TMZ, Kaiden Knight and Deandre Jackson.

The match was fairly entertaining, and it did a good job of establishing TMZ, Kaiden Knight, and Deandre Jackson as bad guys since the audience was unfamiliar with them for the most part. The Warhorses put up a better defense than they do in most of their matches, but TMZ, Kaiden Knight, and Deandre Jackson prevailed.

Johnny Danger Time:

Johnny Danger told us that he is a hero to the people, and he fulfilled a request for birthday wishes. He sang Happy Birthday to a fan ( the you look like a monkey and smell like one too version).  He spoke on the power of friendship and how Dynomite Soul is now one of his good friends since his injury.  He told Dynomite "You've got a lot of fight, a lot of heart.  Let this one go. Sylar's been suspended." Dynomite responded that Jeff and Sylar made two mistakes, they jumped him from behind and they left him breathing.  He said "Shane. I don't care about suspension. I know you're here, Sylar. Let's settle this like men.

Sylar came out and he and Dynomite Soul fought all over the arena. They finally got into the ring and fought there. When Dynomite gained advantage and was about to leap from the top turnbuckle, Sugar Shane clipped his leg. Sylar power slammed Dynomite, and Sugar Shane RKO'd him. Sylar said to Johnny Danger "Every single one I put down is you. I'm coming for your ass."

Match 2: Sugar Shane vs. Marko Polo

This was a pretty good match. Sugar Shane lost the match because he tried to use Dynomite Soul's cane against Marko. Dynomite came out and grabbed it away. The distraction was enough for Marko to get Shane into a submission, and Shane tapped.

Main Event: Supernatural vs. Chip Day

Supernatural hadn't entered yet as Chip Day came out. Jeff G. Bailey spewed the vitriol he's most famous for. Chip opened the casket and out popped Supernatural. Supernatural slammed Chips head into the wall and tried to choke him.  He slammed his head into the casket. Chip kicked Supernatural in the top of the head, and then slammed him into one of the benches. All this happened before the bell rang. In the middle of the match, Supernatural had Chip down, but Jeff distracted the referee. Chip won and retained the title, and he won pretty cleanly.  Whoop, there it is has become their celebratory battle cry.

Finally, the moment we'd all been waiting for arrived. At Thursday's show, the stipulation for De La Vega vs. Marko Polo was Quasi had to wear a dress if De La Vega lost. Quasi had to fulfill those requirements, and he was brought out kicking and screaming to the ring. They had him tied up in wrapping paper, and they announced him as the "Priority Female". They unveiled his look, and he wore a black and white striped dress, and he had a sparkly black scarf tied around his head.  Quasi did his best sexy girl runway walk to Rupaul's "Supermodel". He then took the mike. "Ya'll think this is exciting. Well I've got an announcement. There are no priority males, but we've got a whole new group for you."

Deandre Jackson, Kaiden Knight, and TNT came out and they threw chemicals in Johnny Danger's eyes. His wife jumped into the ring as those guys made their hasty retreat. She cried and she screamed "I hate you Quasi." Her performance sold the attack brilliantly.  Kaiden Knight was escorted from the building by Porterdale Police and arrested.  As a result of this attack, a handicap match is set up between Quasi's new group and Marko Polo.

Platinum Championship Wrestling returns to Porterdale November 16th.